I am sick to death of references to...

  • Thread starter Sorrow of Stamford Bridge
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Sorrow of Stamford Bridge

Joyce and Rourke on this website.

If so many of you think they are artists worth paying homage to (which they aren't) then why not club together and set up a site for them and stop promoting them on this messageboard.

As far as I am concerned they are a couple of parasites who have dragged Morrissey's name through dirt and completely bastardised the legacy of The Smiths, and some of you would do well to realise it.

Perhaps their site could be hosted at www.flymosparebits-parasites.com.
I knew i liked you for a reason...Ive never been a fan of either donkeydick...but for some reason...some of the dumb dumbs here worship these two f***s like they're awesome!!!!!!!

Ive told you all before...they're 2nd rate musicians who shouldnt even get credit for being in the smiths. They have pestered and bothered morrissey for years,why??? because they werent smart enough to hold onto something they needed to when they were in the band. Ive also said...johnny had to create ALL(not some...not a few,ALL) of mike's drum patterns,therefore,meaning:mike didnt play drums on any smiths album....johnny did!!!!!!!!!!

I told you all too......they work at chuck e cheese and they spin on the weekends when they arent there scrubbing toilets and making pies.
Agree that they are a couple of losers and have nothing to do with Morrissey now but to call them both average musicians is harsh. Joyce is nothing special at all and has basically built his whole career on milking as much as he can out of musicians who are better than him. Morrissey has worked with a number of better drummers, notably Spencer. Rourke though is an excellent bassist. Not sure how much creative input he had but I have had this discussion with friends who play bass and they say that cannot play half of the Smiths basslines so even if he did not write them it still takes skill to play them.

It is unfair to say that Rourke did not play a big part in the band (Joyce may well have been a drum machine for all the difference he made) and it is sad that he is tarred with the same brush as Joyce now when he hasn't been anywhere near as greedy. It is also telling that even when he was kicked out by Morrissey he was soon invited back. There must have been a reason for this as our Mozzer isn't exactly noted for his kindness is he? You don't tend to hear Morrissey slag off Rourke either so he probably feels the same.

Yeah, I would agree. An interesting point - Rourke would appear to be the better musician, and also Morrissey hasn't slagged him off.

Maybe it's time to make a distinction between the two, rather than slagging them off as a pair all the time.
Re: Interesting...

No, there should be no exceptions, and no distinctions. The only person that Rourke could blame for his sacking is himself and his own weakness.

He would have dragged Morrissey through the mire in the same way as Joyce if he hadn't accepted an earlier settlement.

I'm not particularly concerned with slagging them off, more concerned that this is Morrissey's time - a new record, a tour, festivals etc - and yet this messageboard is being clogged up with posts about their trivial musical activities.

> Yeah, I would agree. An interesting point - Rourke would appear to be the
> better musician, and also Morrissey hasn't slagged him off.

> Maybe it's time to make a distinction between the two, rather than
> slagging them off as a pair all the time.
How's about you stop acting like you're the f***ing thought police and let people have their own opinions. You don't have to like their opinions but to put up messages telling people not to voice their opinions is just pathetic. Personally I think Rourke is an excellent bass player and whilst Joyce is no great shakes on the drums, his drums suited the music fine. I mean would you rather have some c*** overdoing the drums all over Smiths songs? I have been into lots of bands but The Smiths were the only band where I thought that all the members were absolutely crucial. Ok obviously Moz and Marr were more important but certainly at the time I believed that MJ and AR were still incredibly important to the whole chemistry of the band. I will always have that opinion and people can say they disagree, that's fine, but that does not give jumped up little cockney rent boys like you the right to say I can't have that opinion or voice it. As for their financial arguments, they have nothing to do with the music of The Smiths and I think to base opinions of their importance/musicianship on the fact that years later they all had a row is just daft.
I'm not telling people to stop having opinions. What I object to is people using this board to promote the activities of other bands who have nothing to do with Morrissey's solo career. If Rourke and Joyce are so worthy of everyone's attention, why hasn't someone set up a forum elsewhere... Postings about Joyce and Rourke are almost as irrelevant here as postings about Belle & Bloody Sebastian.

At the end of the day, The Smiths are nearly 17 years finished. Vauxhall & I is better than anything they produced as a band - and quite frankly it makes TQID seem like a poetry comedy night. Can't Morrissey be allowed to move on, and can't these two hangers-on be laid to rest, finally?

And you have also made a fairly sweeping assumption about my accent and sexuality, both of which are totally inaccurate and leave me with nothing but contempt for you, sir (or madam).

> How's about you stop acting like you're the f***ing thought police and let
> people have their own opinions. You don't have to like their opinions but
> to put up messages telling people not to voice their opinions is just
> pathetic. Personally I think Rourke is an excellent bass player and whilst
> Joyce is no great shakes on the drums, his drums suited the music fine. I
> mean would you rather have some c*** overdoing the drums all over Smiths
> songs? I have been into lots of bands but The Smiths were the only band
> where I thought that all the members were absolutely crucial. Ok obviously
> Moz and Marr were more important but certainly at the time I believed that
> MJ and AR were still incredibly important to the whole chemistry of the
> band. I will always have that opinion and people can say they disagree,
> that's fine, but that does not give jumped up little cockney rent boys
> like you the right to say I can't have that opinion or voice it. As for
> their financial arguments, they have nothing to do with the music of The
> Smiths and I think to base opinions of their importance/musicianship on
> the fact that years later they all had a row is just daft.
Re: Andy E I please read LOL

> Yeah, I would agree. An interesting point - Rourke would appear to be the
> better musician, and also Morrissey hasn't slagged him off.

> Maybe it's time to make a distinction between the two, rather than
> slagging them off as a pair all the time.

Oooooooooo err Andy i bet this thread will make your day !In my opinion Andy Rourke comes across as a fairly nice easy going sort of bloke and also he makes a damn fine base player. Joyce on the other hand strikes me as a f***ing parasite who struck Gold on the back of Morrissey and Marr being brilliant .Anyway i prefer Morrisseys solo work to The Smiths and as Stamford says what the f*** have Rourke and Joyce got to do with Morrissey today?
Utter bollocks on the Vauxhall and I being better than any Smiths album and I'm sorry for calling you a cockney rent boy, I'll just settle for calling you an utter wanker instead.
Re: Andy E I please read LOL

> Yeah, I would agree. An interesting point - Rourke would appear to be the
> better musician, and also Morrissey hasn't slagged him off.

> Maybe it's time to make a distinction between the two, rather than
> slagging them off as a pair all the time.

Oooooooooo err Andy i bet this thread will make your day !In my opinion Andy Rourke comes across as a fairly nice easy going sort of bloke and also he makes a damn fine base player. Joyce on the other hand strikes me as a f***ing parasite who struck Gold on the back of Morrissey and Marr being brilliant .Anyway i prefer Morrisseys solo work to The Smiths and as Stamford says what the f*** have Rourke and Joyce got to do with Morrissey today?
Re: Interesting...

> No, there should be no exceptions, and no distinctions. The only person
> that Rourke could blame for his sacking is himself and his own weakness.

> He would have dragged Morrissey through the mire in the same way as Joyce
> if he hadn't accepted an earlier settlement.

> I'm not particularly concerned with slagging them off, more concerned that
> this is Morrissey's time - a new record, a tour, festivals etc - and yet
> this messageboard is being clogged up with posts about their trivial
> musical activities.

No one really posts on here about Andy Rourke though do they? Or have I missed something ?
> I'm not telling people to stop having opinions. What I object to is people
> using this board to promote the activities of other bands who have nothing
> to do with Morrissey's solo career. If Rourke and Joyce are so worthy of
> everyone's attention, why hasn't someone set up a forum elsewhere...
> Postings about Joyce and Rourke are almost as irrelevant here as postings
> about Belle & Bloody Sebastian.

> At the end of the day, The Smiths are nearly 17 years finished. Vauxhall
> & I is better than anything they produced as a band - and quite
> frankly it makes TQID seem like a poetry comedy night. Can't Morrissey be
> allowed to move on, and can't these two hangers-on be laid to rest,
> finally?

> And you have also made a fairly sweeping assumption about my accent and
> sexuality, both of which are totally inaccurate and leave me with nothing
> but contempt for you, sir (or madam).

Not wanting to but into your squabble but you can't really separate Morrissey Solo from The Smiths.

Whatever way you look at it Rourke and Joyce were in The Smiths so I don't have a problem with people posting messages about them.

I think saying TQID was like "comedy poetry" next to Vauxhall and I was inaccurate to put it mildly.

Vauxhall and I is Morrissey's best Solo work but I would still rank(pun intended),TQID,Meat Is Murder and Strangeways above it.

Besides,us old Smiths fans need somewhere to hang out and discuss those halcyon days of '85.

What do you want to do with Patrick? Put him into care ?
Anyone who can say anything so negative about The Queen Is Dead clearly doesn't know his arse from his elbow Johnny so it's probably not worth wasting your breath on him He'll be telling you that Kill Uncle Shits all over TQID next! This site started off as a Smiths site didn't it?
> At the end of the day, The Smiths are nearly 17 years finished. Vauxhall
> & I is better than anything they produced as a band - and quite
> frankly it makes TQID seem like a poetry comedy night.

you've got to be joking. TQID is infinitely better than Vauxhall and I.
> you've got to be joking. TQID is infinitely better than Vauxhall and I.

Fraid not David. Everything that comes out of this turds mouth is an utter joke but amazingly I don't think any of it is intentionally funny. Sorrow of Stamford Bridge it seems I'm not alone in thinking you are a tosser! Still when you meet Mozzer you tell him his lyrics on TQID are like comedy peotry, I'm sure he'll agree!?
> Fraid not David. Everything that comes out of this turds mouth is an utter
> joke but amazingly I don't think any of it is intentionally funny. Sorrow
> of Stamford Bridge it seems I'm not alone in thinking you are a tosser!
> Still when you meet Mozzer you tell him his lyrics on TQID are like comedy
> peotry, I'm sure he'll agree!?

Comedy Peotry? Is that something to do with vegetables?
> Comedy Peotry? Is that something to do with vegetables?

Reduced to taking the piss out of a typo eh? You f***ing prick!
> Anyone who can say anything so negative about The Queen Is Dead clearly
> doesn't know his arse from his elbow Johnny so it's probably not worth
> wasting your breath on him He'll be telling you that Kill Uncle Shits all
> over TQID next! This site started off as a Smiths site didn't it?

Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet.The VAST majority of people on here were too young to have seen The Smiths so although they may like the music most of them will have no idea of the excitement created by seeing The Smiths live and how ground breaking a band they were.

Hence you see a lot of comments that say," I prefer Morrissey to The Smiths" and although I love the big fella The Smiths were the most fantastic band there ever was.

You have to remember that Moz went Galactic in the States on the back of his worst ever record,"Kill Uncle".It's a strange world.
Re: Andy E I please read LOL

bullet you loone! joyce was thebetter of the two! he's not a parasite!
Re: Andy E I please read LOL

> Oooooooooo err Andy i bet this thread will make your day !In my opinion
> Andy Rourke comes across as a fairly nice easy going sort of bloke and
> also he makes a damn fine base player. Joyce on the other hand strikes me
> as a f***ing parasite who struck Gold on the back of Morrissey and Marr
> being brilliant .Anyway i prefer Morrisseys solo work to The Smiths and as
> Stamford says what the f*** have Rourke and Joyce got to do with Morrissey
> today?

Some of you take hero worship a bit far. Just because Morrissey was the main talent in The Smiths and remains a genius of a pop singer does not mean I will hate Mike Joyce simply because he felt ripped off, took his claim to court, and WON. If you look at the record of the case you can see that a big reason he won was because Morrissey was less than honest in court.

Everything Morrissey says in interviews with respect to that court case has been bullshit. It's also probably bullshit when he says he just happened to find himself living in Los Angeles "by accident," when it seems more likely he moved there to avoid paying what he owes.

Andy rourke and Mike Joyce were two bandmembers of the best band that ever existed. I will always have love and respect for them.

None of this makes me dislike Morrissey. It just goes to show he's far from Mr. Perfect. I will not join in on the ripping apart of Mike Joyce.
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