Has anyone on this forum met anyone else from here in real life?

in all seriousness, don't be a berk...shes my friend, and i can compliment my friends.

my money is on you

If I was hatfull, I'd lap all this attention up, I wish women would squabble over me.

keep dreamin
You're incredibly comical; you have figured out I am a male, haven't you? I've been reading old posts and it seems to have happened to you before. ;)

I'm not a girl.

really.... well to quote the end line of the film "some like it hot" "but i'm a man"...."no bodies perfect"...now for a friday night dinner or the movies?

(yes i do realise)
:p ;) :cool:
I don't dream. ;)I'd drop the quotes if I was you, I quoted Terminator to a nice girl once, I was given a slap across my face.

but your not a nice girl....but a bad bad boy!
Well. Sister_Steve is my real-life soul sister, partner in crime etc etc

And going to S&G makes meeting people off here pretty inescapable :p
i've met some people off her this past week after the shows and all at a club. Don't know there names on here though. :)
i like kissing
:D Me too... sigh...just kissing that doesn't have to lead to anythingelse is sometimes the best thing ever! (of corse i do like the other stuff too)
:D Me too... sigh...just kissing that doesn't have to lead to anythingelse is sometimes the best thing ever! (of corse i do like the other stuff too)

:D Me too... sigh...just kissing that doesn't have to lead to anythingelse is sometimes the best thing ever! (of corse i do like the other stuff too)

yeah, like maybe a nice cuddle 'n' stuff
Yeah...sometimes it's nice to just lie in bed and curl up together and just hold each other really tightly. Of course, head is great too!;)
and the gossip here was about me and hatfull????????:confused:
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think people think it's a very odd love triangle where nobody is quite sure who fancies who and who's going to end up with who...
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think people think it's a very odd love triangle where nobody is quite sure who fancies who and who's going to end up with who...

well, i hate to say this, but i do like beards - v.snuggly.

anyway, i like the sound of your "love triangle" too. i can quite see m'self nestling into it.
Without meaning to sound offensive here, I really don't think anyone gives a shit.

you're never offensive, sweetheart.

also, do you like older men?
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