Five questions for Uncle Mozzer

Sonar said:
Can't think of another one, so my last question goes out to Math:
Did you sent those questions to Julia as well? If not: why not?

I sent the 'yourself aside, who is the most physically beautiful person who has ever lived?' one to Julia, but sadly, I sent it on paper via postal mail, in the hopes that Morrissey might end up seeing my handwriting, as I have a severe fetish for his own penmanship. (Naturally, I realize it's quite probable that Julia types up all the selected questions or whatever, that she wouldn't present Morrissey with an 'original document' so to speak... but since I wrote down one question, not a long 'pick one' list, I thought maybe-maybe-just-maybe it would get passed on as-is... )

Then guess what, it apparently got lost in the mail. I talked to Julia in Oklahoma City and she said 'You never mailed me your question!' Well. Curses. Naturally I'd assumed that she'd received it, and that either she thought it wasn't interesting enough to pass on to Moz, or Moz didn't feel like answering it. And by this time the tour was on and the q+a's were evidently over.

If Moz does another round at True to You (fingers crossed for post-tour!), I'll definitely send in a question or two electronically.

On the other hand I am a famewhore so I'm kinda giddy at the thought that maybe I could ask a question in the NME (I'm sure the 'favorite note' one would be most likely).

Do you think that's a long enough answer...?

much love, math+

ps- you are 100% welcome, Sonar, for my dubious 'help' ;D
Math Tinder said:
Do you think that's a long enough answer...?

Yep. And I really hope the famewhore will suceed ;) But the favourite note-question, well... he can't read music (is that correct? I hate foreign languages, they always make you sound like a dork) so what could the answer possibly be? "That sharp one right at the end of 'Sunny'" Anyways: interesting.
Besides: I'm kinda into other people's handwriting (but not into blotting paper, I'm afraid) and I never ever met a smart person in my life whose handwriting was shit. Call me mad but there's clearly a connection.
Hm Sonar, that's a good point. You don't have to be able to read music to know what the basic scale sounds like, though; I don't read music very well but can still tune a guitar, etc.

Also, Morrissey has had singing lessons, so I'd think he would have been taught what most notes sound like, matching their sounds with their names... but then again, I agree it would make perfect sense for him to be ignorant of notes' names, a la Peter Hook, 'I just do what I do.'

To my mind (as well as the mind of my much more musically literate boyfriend), he seems to hit C# most often with his voice, so I've always wondered if that's a favorite sound, or just the easiest note for him to hit. Wonder if we'll ever know.

I will now try for the umpteenth time to stop hijacking this truly excellent thread.


xoxo, math+
1. I just passed my driving test (today .... I am still suffering from white wine indulgance!), where and when did you sit and pass yours? Did you need to resit for LA?

2. Do you pick your nose? C'mon ... every one does ... tell.

3. Have you passed your bike test (to drive the Vespa)?

4. What do you relly see when the house lights do up (in Glasgow)?

5. Who is your 'bette noir'? Spill.

Math Tinder said:
Then guess what, it apparently got lost in the mail. I talked to Julia in Oklahoma City and she said 'You never mailed me your question!' Well. Curses. Naturally I'd assumed that she'd received it, and that either she thought it wasn't interesting enough to pass on to Moz, or Moz didn't feel like answering it. And by this time the tour was on and the q+a's were evidently over.

funny how the postal service managed to fail in this one instance.
1. How do you rate pre- and during-Smiths Elvis Costello?

2. Could you do something to help make the Morrissey-solo forums more active and lively?

3. Will you ever dress up in a white powdered wig with red blush spots on your cheeks?

4. Would you eat meat that had been molecularly replicated (a la Star Trek the Next Generation technology)?

5. Will you come visit your alleged birthplace on your next tour?
1. Flinstones or Jetsons?

2. What do you think of the movie Lost In you love it or do you love it?

3. Do you consider Beastiality to be as cruel to animals as murdering them for their meat and fur? .....have you ever seen Beastiality on tape??

4. How often do you Masturbate? or no porn? :o

5. If they ever made a movie about you, who would you like to play you in the early years and now in the later years? .....or would you prefer the same actor to play both eras using aging techniques?

God, I have dozens and dozens of questions I'd like to ask the's hard to just pick 5.
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DAnn Coulter said:
4. How often do you Masturbate? or no porn?
Not to say he wouldn't answer you, as you'd surely be more charming and persuasive than music journalist Frank Owen.

But - Melody Maker, September 1986: 'Don't ask me about masturbation.' (After which Moz apparently laughed.) :)

xo, math+
Math Tinder said:
I sent the 'yourself aside, who is the most physically beautiful person who has ever lived?' one to Julia, but sadly, I sent it on paper via postal mail, in the hopes that Morrissey might end up seeing my handwriting, as I have a severe fetish for his own penmanship. (Naturally, I realize it's quite probable that Julia types up all the selected questions or whatever, that she wouldn't present Morrissey with an 'original document' so to speak... but since I wrote down one question, not a long 'pick one' list, I thought maybe-maybe-just-maybe it would get passed on as-is... )

Then guess what, it apparently got lost in the mail. I talked to Julia in Oklahoma City and she said 'You never mailed me your question!' Well. Curses. Naturally I'd assumed that she'd received it, and that either she thought it wasn't interesting enough to pass on to Moz, or Moz didn't feel like answering it. And by this time the tour was on and the q+a's were evidently over.

If Moz does another round at True to You (fingers crossed for post-tour!), I'll definitely send in a question or two electronically.

On the other hand I am a famewhore so I'm kinda giddy at the thought that maybe I could ask a question in the NME (I'm sure the 'favorite note' one would be most likely).

Do you think that's a long enough answer...?

much love, math+

ps- you are 100% welcome, Sonar, for my dubious 'help' ;D
Having just read your comments about contact with Julia, Math, I wanted to tell you that when she was asking for contriubutions to her 'True to you' site last year, on M-Solo, I actually sent her some matererial.
The reference was sending up Morrissey, e.g: B- sides of singles. I sent her some stuff I had written and she emailed me back quite enthusiastically that she liked what I'd written and wanted to publish it. Then I never heard from
her again! Go figure!?
Math Tinder said:
Not to say he wouldn't answer you, as you'd surely be more charming and persuasive than music journalist Frank Owen.

But - Melody Maker, September 1986: 'Don't ask me about masturbation.' (After which Moz apparently laughed.) :)

xo, math+

Somehow I can't picture Moz having sex with a man and specially NOT with a woman...... but I do see him enjoying himself to a good masturbation session.....LOL To me it's just as creepy picturing him having sex with another human being as picturing Jesus doing the nasty back when he was alive. It's just not right for some reason!! the only downfall to Moz's lack of sex life [with women] is that he'll never procreate and the world will be denied of a little Mozzer baby [how cute would that be] :D
1. Does the body rule the mind or does the mind rule the body?
2. Would you put your arms around me? (I won't tell anyone).
3. If the lights were out could you even bear to kiss me full on the mouth(or anywhere)?
4. How soon is now?
5. What difference does it make?
DAnn Coulter said:
the only downfall to Moz's lack of sex life [with women] is that he'll never procreate and the world will be denied of a little Mozzer baby [how cute would that be] :D

if the baby has the same size head he has, the woman would probably be in labor for 40 hours before they do a C-section. :p
I don't think Morrissey has got a big head at all.
He could have a child for all we know, if anyone could keep a baby secret he could. I hope he has had one or does have one in the future, those genes of his should be carried on.
As for my five questions I'd just make a mess of it.
I would say ''Hello! Thank you so much for seeing me, are you alright? How's everything going? Can I get you anything to eat or drink? You don't mind answering my questions do you? Are you sure? I promise I won't ask any horrible ones''
Then someone would come in and say ''Right you've had your five questions, now sling yer 'ook.''
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Suzanne said:
if the baby has the same size head he has, the woman would probably be in labor for 40 hours before they do a C-section. :p

sarahT said:
I don't think Morrissey has got a big head at all.

(Straying off topic for sure but not like it hasn't happened before...)

Depends on if you are speaking figuratively or literally, perhaps? ;)
sarahT said:
If you were granted an audience with Morrissey and you could ask him five questions of which you were guaranteed an answer,
What what five questions would you ask of him?
Five questions, no more, no less.
I think i would ask him one question that he has not been asked before....and it would be....are you gay???????????
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