Dead Or Alive?



Mr. Smith, how come you are alive and well again in the chat room. I notice you do not your TGOTMS(IC) persona. Has there been a miracle cure?
> Mr. Smith, how come you are alive and well again in the chat room. I
> notice you do not your TGOTMS(IC) persona. Has there been a miracle cure?
More importantly what has he done with A GiRL?
The Conspiracy Theory

I've just figured out why Domestos/Seriously Flawed?Mr. Smith etc are all on at the same time...

They all have an internet connection...I don't know why I didn't think of it before...
As Bono says

> Mr. Smith, how come you are alive and well again in the chat room. I
> notice you do not your TGOTMS(IC) persona. Has there been a miracle cure?

I move in mysterious ways..(or was that the bible that said that?) (and I'm not a she)
Re: As Bono says

> I move in mysterious ways..(or was that the bible that said that?) (and
> I'm not a she)
Henry Rollins should have punched out Bono when he had the chance, in Westwood.
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