Conservatives & Morrissey Fans

No I did not see them at the same time, however I keep track of who signs with what pen, I had her use a pen that Morrissey previously signed with.
Malcolm McDowell and Robert Smith also signed with the same pen.

Burberry is a great example. Burberry was dying a slow death, it took many important steps to recover and become a global brand (BTW my Burberry shirts are made in the USA) Because of free markets and the free flow of labor Burberry is a huge global success. Every school girl in Japan has a Burberry muffler now. Before Burberry had no brand manager position for Japan, now it does, a far better and more interesting job than a factory worker. Japan is just one country Burberry had opened trade with, you can buy Burberry all over the planet now. There have been 1000s upon 1000s of high paying jobs created at Burberry because of it's global strategy. Think about all those profits from around the world all being remitted back to the UK growing your GDP creating new jobs in new sectors.

Thanks for bringing up such a perfert example that illustrates my point. Outsourcing gave Burberry the competitive advantage to be a global player, creating new, better, higher paying jobs at home.

Remember the simple laws of economics, for every 2.7% the GDP grows unemployment is reduced by 1% (Okun's Law) Burberry has become a major contributor to the UK GDP. You have to look at the big picture. Had Burberry taken no action not only would there be a reduction in jobs at home because they would have gone out of business, but they would not have been able to contribute to the GDP and stimulate job growth in other sectors.


Um how exactly does closing the Burberry factory in Wales improve the GDP of Britain? And the employment market? All I see is 300 people out of work with minimal chance of getting another one due to the wonders of globalisation.

You cite economic statistics but there are lies, damned lies and statistics.

I'm glad you can treat people as mere objects. It must make you very proud.

Burberry is the brand of choice for "chavs" in this country. How ironic that the success story you stipulate is actually what the "underclass" in this country desire. An underclass created by your heroine's economic policies.

As for Burberry's success story creating 1,000s of new highly paid jobs in Britain??? Um where exactly? Creating 1,000s of badly paid jobs in India/ China would be more accurate.
You cite economic statistics but there are lies, damned lies and statistics.

Yes and Mark Twain couldn't comprehend calculus either. Or did you not know the source of your quote? Just sticking your thumbs in your ears and crying lies doesn't change the facts.

Your logic is like a HIV positive person going to the doctor and complaining about the side effects from their meds and completely ignoring the fact that the meds are keeping them alive.

Or the prostate cancer paitent on Procscar that complains that they are growing too much body hair.

Read the post again more carefully everything was clearly explained.

Yes and Mark Twain couldn't comprehend calculus either. Or did you not know the source of your quote? Just sticking your thumbs in your ears and crying lies doesn't change the facts.

Your logic is like a HIV positive person going to the doctor and complaining about the side effects from their meds and completely ignoring the fact that the meds are keeping them alive.

Or the prostate cancer paitent on Procscar that complains that they are growing too much body hair.

Read the post again more carefully everything was clearly explained.


My logic? What the f*** are these comparisons above?? You're obviously slightly sick in the head and a bit of a despot to boot! I'm quite scared. No wonder Moz ran a mile.

Anyway you are right I did misread what you said. So sorry about that. But that was to do the 1,000s of jobs being created in the UK cos of Burberry's global growth. It was 1,000s of "highly paid" jobs being created globally in Burberry. Globalisation does not mean exploitation. Silly me
May I just point out that you have not even attempted to argue with any of the important points I have raised.

You are ready and willing to trade millions of foreign lives for a growth in the US economy.
You have no sympathy for the less fortunate members of your community, offering them only promises of more crumbs from the rich man's table when the good times arrive.

In the same way that a religious person sees everything from behind his bible, making every point with a quote from his chosen scripture, you can only use the statistics and 'laws' of your chosen system to defend the horrors of the world. Ignoring all the other facts staring you in the face.

I really despair of people like you. I hope you are as young as you sound and will, in time, come to see the bigger picture.

Actually I would like to throw you into the slums of India, take away your education, bank account and shoes and force you to eat the dirt you so willingly offer to other human beings.
And when you complain that you are trapped, homeless, sick, disabled with povery and unable to feed yourself I would tell you how a free market may one day provide you with a pair of cheap shoes and a loaf of bread to eat, if you survive long enough and are very, very lucky.

And one more thing, please stop churning out the same 'facts' and 'lessons' and quotes from your textbooks. Yes, I'm sure you studied hard and can understand everything you were taught. Well done.
You are a fine example of a human being.
May I just point out that you have not even attempted to argue with any of the important points I have raised.

You are ready and willing to trade millions of foreign lives for a growth in the US economy.
You have no sympathy for the less fortunate members of your community, offering them only promises of more crumbs from the rich man's table when the good times arrive.

In the same way that a religious person sees everything from behind his bible, making every point with a quote from his chosen scripture, you can only use the statistics and 'laws' of your chosen system to defend the horrors of the world. Ignoring all the other facts staring you in the face.

I really despair of people like you. I hope you are as young as you sound and will, in time, come to see the bigger picture.

Actually I would like to throw you into the slums of India, take away your education, bank account and shoes and force you to eat the dirt you so willingly offer to other human beings.
And when you complain that you are trapped, homeless, sick, disabled with povery and unable to feed yourself I would tell you how a free market may one day provide you with a pair of cheap shoes and a loaf of bread to eat, if you survive long enough and are very, very lucky.

Again you are arguing falicy, the creation of captial does not nessecitate a negtative inverse relationship at the expense of another. To do so would be counter productive.

India's biggest factor in it's lack of economic development is the lack of a proper leagal system for real estate.

In India no one has clear title to propery, people have been squatting on land for generations. No one has clear records and to resolve anything through the court system takes 40+ years (no joke). So if you don't own your home and no one knows who really owns the land, you basically have trillions in dead capital that cannot be used. In developed nations with even the smallest dwelling you can get a loan use the money to start a business and free enterprise is born. India does not have that option under it's crappy legal system. The only ones to fix this are the Indian people themselves. Obviously you seem to know very little about India and the root sources of their poverty trap. I assure it has NOTHING to do with globalization. The only way to help India is through literacy and education so they have the tools they need to restructure the legal system and open access to the trillions in dead capital they sit on.

China saw the problem and just last week passed a massive privatization of property law that will take years to implement but will put China on the right track to unlock massive capital for their people.

And one more thing, please stop churning out the same 'facts' and 'lessons' and quotes from your textbooks. Yes, I'm sure you studied hard and can understand everything you were taught. Well done.
You are a fine example of a human being.

Yes just as the Pope asked that pesky Galileo to knock it off with all his "science" and empirical data. It's backwards thinking like yours that is holding the world back from growth and development.

A price worth paying?


If only his mother had studied economics and bought the title to the slum land.

Yes more logical fallacy, appeal to pitty with a shocking photo and no facts behind it... You obviously do not wish or learn anything or solve anything, you are married to your faith of irrational blind hate for a world you don't understand. Enjoy your life in Plato's cave.

Glad you understand.

who said he ran a mile? Not from me anyway... :)


Yes McDonalds is my favourite brand. I love their healthy food choice options. And their proud environmental record.

I love Nike too-a proper brand, diminishing the divide of life

Just wondering if any Politically Conservative Morrissey fans find his political views a turn off or detracting from his music?


Answering as an american conservative (predominantly anyway) I simply disregard them. I find them . . . silly, to be sure. But one makes allowances for friends' idiosyncracies all the time, why not for a performer who is, apropos of more universal matters "of the heart", brilliant? There is a line of course. He just hasn't crossed mine. I've never looked for a saviour in a singer, just someone with something to say that says something to me . . . well, you know.
For every $1.00 the US spends on the war $5.10 is returned to the US GDP, this is the law of velocity of money. For every 2.7% the GDP grows, unemployment is reduced by 1% Okun's law.

Kumo, you can never justify war for economic reasons.
War = increase in velocity of money = GDP growth = less unemployment = good

That's how your statement came across. I hope it wasn't meant as such.

Also, the difference between war and other capital investments is that there is no future returns on your capital invested. You build a bomb that costs several million dollars, you train an army unit to fly off to the other side of the world, and you drop that bomb. The bomb is now gone, along with the people on the receiving end. What is your IRR, ROI or any other finance acronym du jour on that bomb?

You pay me million bucks to dig a whole, I pay you a million to full it up again.

This is not economic theory but proven laws.

To blindly apply Okan's law, Marshall Law, Jude Law or any law that you've been taught in your MBA class to wartime spend is shortsighted. Wars *cost* countries millions, if not billions. They usually end up costing governments their jobs, even those on the "winning" side.

Edit: I hardly think we should be debating something as horrendous as war on an economic level.
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Kumo, you can never justify war for economic reasons.
War = increase in velocity of money = GDP growth = less unemployment = good

That's how your statement came across. I hope it wasn't meant as such.

How many people died because of the great depression? The cold hard truth is that a dejected economy is far more deadly than war.

Also, the difference between war and other capital investments is that there is no future returns on your capital invested. You build a bomb that costs several million dollars, you train an army unit to fly off to the other side of the world, and you drop that bomb. The bomb is now gone, along with the people on the receiving end. What is your IRR, ROI or any other finance acronym de jour on that bomb? [/B]

You can't isloate a bomb and claim it to be the total project and then go gee I got a nevative NPV on this. The long term infrastructure projects are also part of the equation. We are in Iraq building hospitals, mobile phone networks, roads, schools, playgrounds, etc... The tragety you see in center of Baghdad is not even 1% of the war effort.

To blindly apply Okan's law, Marshall Law, Jude Law or any law that you've been taught in your MBA class to wartime spend is shortsighted. Wars *cost* countries millions, if not billions. They usually end up costing governments their jobs, even those on the "winning" side.

Edit: I hardly think we should be debating something as horrendous as war on an economic level.

Okun's is properly applied and not to the war. Okun's law states every 2.7% of GDP growth leads to unemployment being reduced by 1%. Check the BLS website for the historical data and you will find it to be true.

What I did say about the war time spending relates to the law of velocity of money. For example transfer payments have zero velocity and the money being spent on the war as a velocity of 5.1 - so for every $1 that is spent on the war $5.10 is fed into the GDP. GDP goes up, unemployment goes down.

The choice was to risk losing millions of lives at home further weaking the country or jump start the economy with war using a volunteer military.
If you have studied post graduate level advanced economics and disagree fine. I would love to see your models.

However, the point is that those in power, (GWB & Co.) believed this to be true and acted in a way they felt would spare the most lives.

People feel there will never be another great depression, because the govt. wont let that happen again, they think the govt. knows what to do to put the breaks on. Yet when the govt. takes direct action they don't appreciate it nor do they understand it.

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