Brazil tour date change - Belo Horizonte instead of Porto Alegre (Mar. 7)

Marco writes:

Hello, Morrissey is confirmed to play Belo Horizonte on March 7th, instead of Porto Alegre. I dunno, what happened with the Porto Alegre date. The venue is Chevrolet Hall and tickets will go on sale friday, priced (in Reais) Stand R$ 120,00, Seat R$ 60.

The story is here in a local newspaper and officially at the Malab (the local producer) twitter account and facebook as well.!/malabproducoes
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Update on the info released minutes ago by Malab producer:


PISTA (Stand) - 1º LOTE (1st Lot)
R$60,00 (Meia/Half) / R$120,00 (Inteira/Whole)

PISTA PREMIUM OPEN BAR (Stand Premium w/ Open Bar) - LOTE ÚNICO (Only Lot)
R$280,00 Água, Refrigerante, Suco, Cerveja e Vodka

Abertura dos Portões: 19h
Banda de Abertura: Kristeen Young: 21h10
Morrissey: 22h

VENDAS (Sales):
A partir de 14 de Fevereiro (From February 14th)

Classificação: 16 anos
Re: Article: Brazil tour date change - Belo Horizonte instead of Porto Alegre (Mar. 7

Oh, nooooo!!!! Come to Porto Alegre! I have been waiting for so long years!...
Cristina Rocha - Porto Alegre
Re: Article: Brazil tour date change - Belo Horizonte instead of Porto Alegre (Mar. 7

Oh, nooooo!!!! Come to Porto Alegre! I have been waiting for so long years!...
Cristina Rocha - Porto Alegre

Enjoy and come to Belo Horizonte, beautiful city, and still a good show of our king Morrissey!
Re: Article: Brazil tour date change - Belo Horizonte instead of Porto Alegre (Mar. 7

blame the churrasco!
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