Because We Must! On "South With Moz"



Morrissey knows that we are not just a bunch of giddy school girls out to get everything associated with him because it is a fad or the hip thing to do. We are devoted to him! Morrissey knows that his fans go through great length to find out more of this man that we find etheral. He love Oscar Wilde and we went out in search of all of Wildes books. He covers a Suede song and we go out to buy their cds. We like gluttons, get our hands on every song, books, posters, interviews, pillowcases etc. that he does. So how can we not buy this new DVD?

Who is Morrissey trying to hurt? J. Barry is doing a wonderful thing for Moz fans. But oh no, he is making some money! WHERE WOULD ALL THE MONEY THAT J.BARRY IS MAKING GO IF HE WASN'T MAKING IT? Surely the money spent would not be spent on anything that Morrissey gets royalties for. We have already bought all of it! Royalties seem like a concern to Moz. He has told us not to buy his Babylon book collection and one of the reasons why was the royalty factor. I have a KROQ radio interview where Moz states that "the money is not important." In contradiction to that, he went to court with former Smiths members for mere pocket change. The last tour just strenghtened the fact that Morrissey could make mounds of money if he wanted to. Instead he makes a mockery of himself by going through such trifles.

So ok let's forget about the money. "South With Morrissey" might contain things that he is not proud of. He might be embarassed by the footage. He might do somethings that taint his persona in the documentry. But what is worse, the DVD or the hurt he will inflict upon his fans if he goes through with a petty lawsuit?

Morrissey could have pervented this mess if he did not partake in the documentry. But he did and we must see it! We'll be sad and disenchanted if Moz does take legal action.
We'll hate it when our Moz becomes successful!

P.S. Please excuse the spelling errors, I am a child of the "spell check."

Re: I could have been Elvis

I hope he doesn't take a legal action. On the other hand, I'm just an ordinary tormented soul, not a famous pop star, but is it so hard to him just have a little talk with J Barry?? Why so harsh on a person who came to this site, and even did reply the accusations against him? It's not fair to paint J Barry as a devil. And yes, I see your point. Oscar Wilde has been part of Morrissey's work, and not just Wilde, but many others.
Do you remember the previous name of the dvd Oye Esteban?

> Morrissey knows that we are not just a bunch of giddy school
> girls out to get everything associated with him because it is a
> fad or the hip thing to do. We are devoted to him! Morrissey
> knows that his fans go through great length to find out more of
> this man that we find etheral. He love Oscar Wilde and we went
> out in search of all of Wildes books. He covers a Suede song and
> we go out to buy their cds. We like gluttons, get our hands on
> every song, books, posters, interviews, pillowcases etc. that he
> does. So how can we not buy this new DVD?

> Who is Morrissey trying to hurt? J. Barry is doing a wonderful
> thing for Moz fans. But oh no, he is making some money! WHERE
> MAKING IT? Surely the money spent would not be spent on anything
> that Morrissey gets royalties for. We have already bought all of
> it! Royalties seem like a concern to Moz. He has told us not to
> buy his Babylon book collection and one of the reasons why was
> the royalty factor. I have a KROQ radio interview where Moz
> states that "the money is not important." In
> contradiction to that, he went to court with former Smiths
> members for mere pocket change. The last tour just strenghtened
> the fact that Morrissey could make mounds of money if he wanted
> to. Instead he makes a mockery of himself by going through such
> trifles.

> So ok let's forget about the money. "South With
> Morrissey" might contain things that he is not proud of. He
> might be embarassed by the footage. He might do somethings that
> taint his persona in the documentry. But what is worse, the DVD
> or the hurt he will inflict upon his fans if he goes through
> with a petty lawsuit?

> Morrissey could have pervented this mess if he did not partake
> in the documentry. But he did and we must see it! We'll be sad
> and disenchanted if Moz does take legal action.
> We'll hate it when our Moz becomes successful!

> P.S. Please excuse the spelling errors, I am a child of the
> "spell check."

> Eligh.
> So ok let's forget about the money. "South With
> Morrissey" might contain things that he is not proud of. He
> might be embarassed by the footage. He might do somethings that
> taint his persona in the documentry. But what is worse, the DVD
> or the hurt he will inflict upon his fans if he goes through
> with a petty lawsuit?

If Morrissey doesn't like the footage it shouldn't be available to his fans. People are fascinated with Morrissey's world because it is such a mystery to everyone. His lack of communication is what makes him such an enigma - why should anyone try and cash in on this without his blessing?
The whole point of artists like Morrissey (for he is not the only one) approving material for release is that the artist ensures that it has been recorded (in both sound and visual terms) in the correct manner and with acceptable quality control.

For all our notes on this, at the end of the day, the artist has to ensure that these points are followed otherwise whats the point of it all.


> If Morrissey doesn't like the footage it shouldn't be available
> to his fans. People are fascinated with Morrissey's world
> because it is such a mystery to everyone. His lack of
> communication is what makes him such an enigma - why should
> anyone try and cash in on this without his blessing?
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