A. I dream a lot, a few plane crashes. A. Nay on beards. Q. Favorite James Bond movie?

A: This seems to be my recurring theme... not really having an answer. I've never been much of a James Bond fan. I like Daniel Craig as Bond though. I have a new found appreciation of Timothy Dalton after his turn in Hot Fuzz.

Q: Best season of Black Adder?
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A: This seems to be my recurring theme... not really having an answer. I've never been much of a James Bond fan. I like Daniel Craig as Bond though. I have a new found appreciation of Timothy Dalton after his turn in Hot Fuzz.

Q: Best season of Black Adder?

A: To me it's a close contest between series 2 and 4. But series 4 wins because of the 'going over the top' scene at the end. "The German guns sir.....Boom, boom boom boom..."

Q: What would be the least painful way of killing yourself?
A: To me it's a close contest between series 2 and 4. But series 4 wins because of the 'going over the top' scene at the end. "The German guns sir.....Boom, boom boom boom..."

Q: What would be the least painful way of killing yourself?

There was no right or wrong but season 4 is correct! :thumb:

A: I wouldn't f*** around. I'd swallow a bunch of pills- climb up on the chair- put the noose around my neck- slit my wrists and then kick the chair out. Not sure if it would be painless but effective. Pills alone are probably the least painful and most peaceful way to go out.

Q: Favorite Father Ted episode?
There was no right or wrong but season 4 is correct! :thumb:

A: I wouldn't f*** around. I'd swallow a bunch of pills- climb up on the chair- put the noose around my neck- slit my wrists and then kick the chair out. Not sure if it would be painless but effective. Pills alone are probably the least painful and most peaceful way to go out.

Q: Favorite Father Ted episode?

A: I’m not familiar with it. sorry.

Q:: Are you now, or have you ever been a homosexual?

A: NEVER. I can have both. :p

Q: What type(s) of pasta should be removed from the canon?

A: Easy one... campanelle.jpg or the Spongebob shaped pasta for mac and cheese. sb.jpg

Q: Red sauce or white sauce?
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