A really bad idea!


I KNOW this is a terrible idea, rationally, but:

Sometime in later years when Mr. M. decides to throw in the towel and actually retire, a gang from m-solo should kidnap him so that the fans can force him to go to a super-uber-party in his honor. I think he deserves to hang with the common-folk and swizzle beers and cheap tequilas-n-limes. After the party, he would be free to go. If he wanted to take anyone home with him, that would be his choice. Personally, I would like to clink a beer with him and say "nice!" and then sit in the corner and get shitowskied.

Naturally, I am writing this while drunk.

Night night!
It's a bit like The Collector though isn't it? Man kidnaps woman and keeps her in the basement safe in the knowledge that once she gets to know him she will fall in love with him. Didn't work.

Morrissey fans: "Please love us Moz, here's another Stella!"

Morrissey: "When can I go home?" :(

It's a bit like The Collector though isn't it? Man kidnaps woman and keeps her in the basement safe in the knowledge that once she gets to know him she will fall in love with him. Didn't work.

Morrissey fans: "Please love us Moz, here's another Stella!"

Morrissey: "When can I go home?" :(


well, as long as you're held accountable when the cops arrive...
..but i can't promise that i won't pretend to "help" morrissey get out of that place...oh how naive he would be to believe me...i'd just drag him back to my shack!
and we all know what would happen then.


well, we'd write songs and talk about...dunno...serge gainsbourg? yeah.
why, what did you think?
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