You Are The Quarry gatefold CD/DVD

  • Thread starter LoafingOaf - 52 Days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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LoafingOaf - 52 Days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amazon describes the Your Are The Quarry CD/DVD edition witht the word "gatefold." Does this mean it will not be housed in a jewel case but rather one of those cardboard things?
more useless information from this neurotic, obsessive compulsive, nitpicky, detail minded f***

Nobody cares.
Re: more useless information from this neurotic, obsessive compulsive, nitpicky, detail minded f***

Says the person who posted multiple messages about how the new album doesn't have the title in quotation marks. LOL
Loafing Oaf is a fascist.

Just let the album come out, you Mcarthy supporting Nazi. How dumb are you? Buying into the red scare and banishment of people from the film industry and this very nation for spurious allegations, unfounded and unproven. Right wing f***wit. It is people like you who were guilty of treason, of high crimes. And it is people like you who should have been punished during that time. You have it backwards as usual asshole. No wonder there was bad blood between you and Chill. I see you for what you are and you disgust me. f*** off.
A gathering of angels appeared above my head:

They gave to me their song of hope and this is what Belligerent Ghould said:

> Just let the album come out, you Mcarthy supporting Nazi. How dumb are
> you? Buying into the red scare and banishment of people from the film
> industry and this very nation for spurious allegations, unfounded and
> unproven. Right wing f***wit. It is people like you who were guilty of
> treason, of high crimes. And it is people like you who should have been
> punished during that time. You have it backwards as usual asshole. No
> wonder there was bad blood between you and Chill. I see you for what you
> are and you disgust me. f*** off.
Re: more useless information from this neurotic, obsessive compulsive, nitpicky, detail minded f***

Oafy, in my humble opinion that is more important that the packaging materials.
Re: A gathering of angels appeared above my head:

elia kazan

Posted By: LoafingOaf - 52 Days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: Sunday, 28 March 2004, at 11:54 p.m.

In Response To: Re: I didn't see these posts until today. (Henry)

> Ah yes, Elia Kazan sydrome. BG should have exhumed his arse, not put
> flowers on his grave.

Why is it that anti-Stalinists are blacklisted?

I'm really not sure about whether it was right to name names (there's something about that that does rub one the wrong way), however I think Kazan's *motives* were certainly correct, as revelations about the Soviets in recent years have vindicated those motives. However good his motives may have been, of course, that doesn't necessarily justify his *methods*. But the worst thing that can be said about his methods would be that he lacked the courage to sacrifice his truly great artistic career and do time in prison to save people he knew to be Stalin-loving scum of the earth, who had betrayed him, who had been blacklisting artists themselves on any project they controlled, who were puppets of the Soviet KGB, and were betraying their country in support of totalitarianism (see Kazan's autobiography for more on this).

A person is not fairly characterized as a *villain* for failing to be a hero in such a tight spot, and should not have been the victim himself of a witch-hunt by the very people claiming to oppose witch-hunts. Many of us are unable to rise to the level of heroism when we find ourselves in extremely difficult, seemingly no-win situations. Alternatively, while I'm not prepared to go this far, one could actually argue that his actions *were* heroic (see On The Waterfront for the defiant way in which Kazan saw himself, metaphorically). I find it difficult to go that for only because, as evil as I view Soviets and their agents to have been, I don't believe the very real Soviet attempts to infiltrate Hollywood ever amounted to a substantial threat to American democracy, and thus it was mostly (not entirely) hysteria. However, that's perhaps a lot easier to say looking back than it would've been in that time and place in history, a time and place which, lets face it, we cannot claim to relate to very well.
jeezus where to start?

if the only bad thing about being anti commie is the poor directors and actors of the 50s that got blackballed well sign me up! communists put people in jail for speaking out against the governemnt the USSR killed more people than hitler did (who ran a socialist party), china will run you over with a tank if you protest... you cant argue for communism dummys it doesnt work and never will... they poor artists pf the 50's just got blackballed they didnt die. more government is bad, less government is good.

> Just let the album come out, you Mcarthy supporting Nazi. How dumb are
> you? Buying into the red scare and banishment of people from the film
> industry and this very nation for spurious allegations, unfounded and
> unproven. Right wing f***wit. It is people like you who were guilty of
> treason, of high crimes. And it is people like you who should have been
> punished during that time. You have it backwards as usual asshole. No
> wonder there was bad blood between you and Chill. I see you for what you
> are and you disgust me. f*** off.
Re: jeezus where to start?

> if the only bad thing about being anti commie is the poor directors and
> actors of the 50s that got blackballed well sign me up! communists put
> people in jail for speaking out against the governemnt the USSR killed
> more people than hitler did (who ran a socialist party), china will run
> you over with a tank if you protest... you cant argue for communism dummys
> it doesnt work and never will... they poor artists pf the 50's just got
> blackballed they didnt die. more government is bad, less government is
> good.

I guess you vote for Bush because less government is good and the Patriot Act constitutes less government, eh?

i'm SO glad to know you have internet access at the special needs school...

> Amazon describes the Your Are The Quarry CD/DVD edition witht the word
> "gatefold." Does this mean it will not be housed in a jewel case
> but rather one of those cardboard things?
> Amazon describes the Your Are The Quarry CD/DVD edition witht the word
> "gatefold." Does this mean it will not be housed in a jewel case
> but rather one of those cardboard things?

I saw that too. I've never heard of the term "gatefold" before. I've always thought those cardboard sleeves were called digipaks. *shrug*
How the f*** does a question about the CD packaging turn into an argument about communism. Now let's get a few things straight, the packaging is more important than whether the title has quotation marks as those cardboard gatefold sleeves are shite and in 10 years time when your cardboard packaging is f***ed you'll wish your CD came in a proper plastic case whereas you probably wont be saying "why no quotation marks." As for communism, well it doesn't work, has been the cause of lots of genocide around the world and the people who have to put up with communism seem to have dreadful lives. It always amazes me that people who live in the west and enjoy all the benefits of western civilisation will talk about how great communism is. Well if you think it's that great f*** off to North Korea and see how you like having zero civil rights, fools. And before you f***ing middle class mummy's boys tell me I'm a facist, f*** off and understand that you can be somewhere inbetween. I'm no facist but commies are c***s!

> Amazon describes the Your Are The Quarry CD/DVD edition witht the word
> "gatefold." Does this mean it will not be housed in a jewel case
> but rather one of those cardboard things?
> I saw that too. I've never heard of the term "gatefold" before.
> I've always thought those cardboard sleeves were called digipaks. *shrug*

I've always heard the term gatefold to describe LPs that open like a book.

I think Digipak is the main company that does a lot of the extra-stylish packaging for CDs and DVDs.
> How the f*** does a question about the CD packaging turn into an argument
> about communism.

Ah, just ignore those messages, they were posted by the mental patient.

But I did notice the subject "LoafingOaf is a Fascist," and while that particular message was posted by the mental patient, I must say I have long felt there's a lot of ultra-left-wing McCarthyism, and calling sweet and tender Oafie a nazi is certainly an example of it. = ) Which I only mention because McCarthyism was brought up in another thread......

>Now let's get a few things straight, the packaging is
> more important than whether the title has quotation marks as those
> cardboard gatefold sleeves are shite and in 10 years time when your
> cardboard packaging is f***ed you'll wish your CD came in a proper plastic
> case whereas you probably wont be saying "why no quotation
> marks."

Well, the non-DVD edition will probably be in a jewel case.

Some of those digipak cardboard cases can be pretty cool and some are made out of more durable materials than others. To an artist they offer the chance to do something more creative with the design, and I think it's just a further example that Morrissey is going all-out with this album. But yeah, I have some CDs in such packages that are looking kind of worn and torn. In fact, I accidentally put a little tear on the spine of my T Rex "Electric Warrior" recently. = (

>As for communism, well it doesn't work, has been the cause of
> lots of genocide around the world and the people who have to put up with
> communism seem to have dreadful lives. It always amazes me that people who
> live in the west and enjoy all the benefits of western civilisation will
> talk about how great communism is. Well if you think it's that great f***
> off to North Korea and see how you like having zero civil rights, fools.
> And before you f***ing middle class mummy's boys tell me I'm a facist,
> f*** off and understand that you can be somewhere inbetween. I'm no facist
> but commies are c***s!

For a pretty good book by a left winger attacking the way left-wing intellectuals were soft on communism the the murder of millions of people, see Martin Amis' Koba the Dread: Laughter and the Twenty Million.

To me, anti-communism is the same as anti-fascism, and I think some people have trouble with that because they don't wanna be on the same side as the worst and most excssive of the anti-communists on the right (such as Nixon and Joseph McCarthy). But there's simply no excuse for denying or playing down the evils of Stalin and Mao and Castro. You know what's scary? Just THIS YEAR I read an essay in The Nation by playwright Arthur Miller on his meeting with Castro, and the f***er's biggest concern was that he was being kept up past his bedtime by this unelected commie, but of course he had to stay up late chit-chatting away because Miller thinks that "Castro was mythic by this time, and the prospect of an hour or two with him was something to look forward to."

Oh, Lord...people like that make me feel so TIRED inside. When will they die?

I'll never understand why so many young people in the West don't similarly feel exhausted by these dinosaurs who can't stop longing for a world in which someone like Castro might have succeeded.

I, on the other hand, rejected the outdated, ultra-left-wing rubbish being pushed on me at college and instead found and embraced my own, new, young, and exciting intellectual heroes. For example, Swedish libertarian Johan Norberg is someone who excites ME. I sure as hell would rather live in the world he would like to see rather than some dreary socialist's hellish utopia. Norberg's even a fan of the Cure and the Sisters of Mercy! Yes, young people of the world, be bold enough to reject what people over 40 have told you. The world is OURS now.
Re: jeezus where to start?

> I guess you vote for Bush because less government is good and the Patriot
> Act constitutes less government, eh?

Hey, Chill, I'm still voting for Kerry, even though it makes me rather ill inside. : /

Bush is not doing himself any good with this rather wicked character assasination on Richard Clarke, which I'm pretty sure is gonna backfire.

However, the choice in this election is between two supporters of the Patriot Act.
Re: jeezus where to start?

> Hey, Chill, I'm still voting for Kerry, even though it makes me rather ill
> inside. : /

Same here.

> Bush is not doing himself any good with this rather wicked character
> assasination on Richard Clarke, which I'm pretty sure is gonna backfire.

> However, the choice in this election is between two supporters of the
> Patriot Act.

I know, and believe me, I'm not pleased about it. But Bush needs to go.
Thanks for clarifying all that Oafy. You are clearly not a facist you are both a scholar and a gentleman!

> Ah, just ignore those messages, they were posted by the mental patient.

> But I did notice the subject "LoafingOaf is a Fascist," and
> while that particular message was posted by the mental patient, I must say
> I have long felt there's a lot of ultra-left-wing McCarthyism, and calling
> sweet and tender Oafie a nazi is certainly an example of it. = ) Which I
> only mention because McCarthyism was brought up in another thread......

> Well, the non-DVD edition will probably be in a jewel case.

> Some of those digipak cardboard cases can be pretty cool and some are made
> out of more durable materials than others. To an artist they offer the
> chance to do something more creative with the design, and I think it's
> just a further example that Morrissey is going all-out with this album.
> But yeah, I have some CDs in such packages that are looking kind of worn
> and torn. In fact, I accidentally put a little tear on the spine of my T
> Rex "Electric Warrior" recently. = (

> For a pretty good book by a left winger attacking the way left-wing
> intellectuals were soft on communism the the murder of millions of people,
> see Martin Amis' Koba the Dread: Laughter and the Twenty Million.

> To me, anti-communism is the same as anti-fascism, and I think some people
> have trouble with that because they don't wanna be on the same side as the
> worst and most excssive of the anti-communists on the right (such as Nixon
> and Joseph McCarthy). But there's simply no excuse for denying or playing
> down the evils of Stalin and Mao and Castro. You know what's scary? Just
> THIS YEAR I read an essay in The Nation by playwright Arthur Miller on his
> meeting with Castro, and the f***er's biggest concern was that he was
> being kept up past his bedtime by this unelected commie, but of course he
> had to stay up late chit-chatting away because Miller thinks that
> "Castro was mythic by this time, and the prospect of an hour or two
> with him was something to look forward to."

> Oh,
> Lord...people like that make me feel so TIRED inside. When will they die?

> I'll never understand why so many young people in the West don't similarly
> feel exhausted by these dinosaurs who can't stop longing for a world in
> which someone like Castro might have succeeded.

> I, on the other hand, rejected the outdated, ultra-left-wing rubbish being
> pushed on me at college and instead found and embraced my own, new, young,
> and exciting intellectual heroes. For example, Swedish libertarian Johan
> Norberg is someone who excites ME. I sure as hell would rather live in the
> world he would like to see rather than some dreary socialist's hellish
> utopia. Norberg's even a fan of the Cure and the Sisters of Mercy! Yes,
> young people of the world, be bold enough to reject what people over 40
> have told you. The world is OURS now.

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