Why is it the American God loving people are classed as brain dead but............


EU hater

Muslims,There faith and stone age ideas and treatment of women AND NON BELIEVERS are not laughed out of the place and branded the crack pots they are??????

Why are the looney left trying there best to ruin family values and other religions and European countries national identities???

I swear next time I hear someone on the radio or tv saying "islam is a very loving faith blah blah blah" I am going to scream!!!!!!!In every corner of the world theres a muslims Jihad China,Africa,Russia etc etc
Any god loving people are morons regardless of which dogma they believe in.
some dutch agree with you and are taking action

Dutch Muslim school hit by bomb
A bomb explosion has hit an Islamic school in the Netherlands, as tensions run high after the murder of controversial film-maker Theo van Gogh.
Monday's blast in the southern city of Eindhoven caused heavy damage, destroying doors and windows.

Police say it could be a revenge attack for the killing of Van Gogh by a suspected Islamic radical last week.

Mosques in several Dutch cities have been the targets of vandalism and failed arson attempts in recent days.

The Eindhoven explosion - which occurred around 0230 GMT on Monday - was caused by a "strong bomb or explosive", a police spokesman told the BBC News website.

Windows in neighbouring buildings were shattered, he added. No-one was hurt.

Police are investigating possible links between the attack and Van Gogh's killing.


The authorities have been on alert for revenge attacks on Muslims.

Over the past three days attempted attacks against Muslim targets have been reported in the cities of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Breda and Huizen.

The film-maker was shot and stabbed in Amsterdam on Tuesday.
Several men, all believed to be Islamic radicals, have been arrested.

The Dutch government has vowed to take tough action against Muslim militants.

Police say they found a letter signed by an unknown group on Van Gogh's body containing threats to kill liberal politician Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

Ms Hirsi Ali is a Somali refugee who wrote the script to Van Gogh's controversial film Submission, which criticised the treatment of women under Islam.

On Sunday Dutch police arrested two men who had allegedly called for the beheading of Geert Wilders, a member of parliament, in the name of Islam.

Mr Wilders has said he will set up an anti-immigration party in the wake of Van Gogh's death.

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2004/11/08 10:30:17 GMT
you shows such ignorance, what do you know about muslims?
Ignorance??Its the truth face facts!!Keep your head in the sand all you want.

god loving people are morons regardless of which dogma they believe
> in.
> Any god loving people are morons regardless of which dogma they believe
> in.

Yah, Thomas Acquinas, Issac Newton, and Blaise Pascal were real dumbasses...
Re: Why is it the American God loving people are classed as brain dead ? .....It's because they ...

follow Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson's new and improved "Moral Majority."
It can't get much worse than that.
> Yah, Thomas Acquinas, Issac Newton, and Blaise Pascal were real
> dumbasses...

Ok they may have been intelligent but their religious beliefs still mean they have a side to them that was moronic also you have to realise that they were simpler times, some things hadn't been explained by then that we do know now. Anyway I would question Newton's religious beliefs, they are not quite as people think they were.

To surrender to ignorance and call it God has always been premature, and it remains premature today.
-Isaac Asimov
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