Whats going on with Morrissey's cover art?

OK, so can someone explain to me why


is just sooooooooooo much better than



Because clearly I'm mentally retarded as I don't see what the big f***ing deal is.
Well it's not hard to have put "I do find it ironic that to me the iconography of the imagery disappeared around the time Morrissey became nothing more than an icon (ie not a credible, interesting, forward-thinking artist)".

It's a small change but it stops people from coming off as arrogant pricks who believe their opinion to be gospel.
Well it's not hard to have put "I do find it ironic that to me the iconography of the imagery disappeared around the time Morrissey became nothing more than an icon (ie not a credible, interesting, forward-thinking artist)".

It's a small change but it stops people from coming off as arrogant pricks who believe their opinion to be gospel.
Jesus... d'you want me to burp you too? Use some intitiative and stop being such a baby. And who the f*** says "I do find it ironic..."?
Of course we would. And if this site were around when his early solo work was being released there would have been the same conversations then.

Morrissey fans like to moan.

It's called criticism and even Morrissey is not above it.
It seems that this discussion has started only because "I Just Want To See the Boy Happy" has a bad cover. Most of his singles covers 2004- are OK, and album covers are among the most interesting ones he's ever had. There wasn't any particular idea behind the Viva Hate cover, was it? It was just one of many nice pictures of Morrissey. You Are The Quarry is one of my favourite Morrissey covers ever. (Although I still can't help being partial to the Your Arsenal cover ;) *insert drool smiley and naughty smiley*)
Jesus... d'you want me to burp you too? Use some intitiative and stop being such a baby. And who the f*** says "I do find it ironic..."?

I'd imagine it's a phrase used by people who aren't 17 year old kids and know the English language well enough to use it properly.
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I'd imagine it's a phrase used by people who aren't 17 year old kids and know the English language well enough to use it properly.
Edited to be more bitchy, you little girl. What does my age have to do with this anyway? You don't see me calling you an ugly, overweight, boring, badly dressed c*** of a predisposed Conservative, do you?
(I think) There may be hope yet for General Discussion (in my opinion).
Edited to be more bitchy, you little girl. What does my age have to do with this anyway? You don't see me calling you an ugly, overweight, boring, badly dressed c*** of a predisposed Conservative, do you?

Haha! Awesome, well done son. :D

Edit: Having thought about it, the only point I'd make about that excellently structured argument is I'm not sure how being a Conservative is really much of an insult. It's certainly not a harsh enough statement to end the attack on. Likewise, badly dresssed isn't really that bad, or at least not in the certain quarters of the hetrosexual community. I probably would've started with them before moving onto the other volleys of abuse. But you're only young and clearly still learning the wonderfull art of internet flaming. Keep up the good work, lad.

Edit 2: One other thing. You've made the same mistake here as you did earlier in presenting subjective opinions as facts. I merely pointed out that you were a young lad of 17, which is a fact. The only facts you have pointed out are that I'm a Conservative and that I'm overweight. And even of those you say I'm a 'predisposed' Consevative, which means that I'm inclined to Conservatism in advance, which is just incorrect. I don't believe things because I'm a Conservative, I'm a Conservative because of the things I believe. But that's just poor use of the English language which hopefully will improve as you get older and better educated. The rest of your post consisted of opinions, and as anyone who actually knows how to argue would be aware, you can't really fight facts with opinions. Ugly - fair enough, I'd probably agree with you, but then again I'd also say that (most!) of the girls I've slept with would disagree. In terms of badly dressed then again you're probably right, but I'm presuming that's based on the photos on myspace, which I believe all consist of me in a suit with a Moz t-shirt. Now I don't think that is that bad myself, but again that's open to opinion; but are a couple of photos of me wearing the same thing enough to make a well rounded and valid opinon. Now I'm not saying that you're wrong, but rather you have limited sources on which to make your judgement which doesn't exactly strengthen your argument. Still, keep at it and I'm sure evently someone will care enough about what you have to say to be insulted or offended by it rather than greatly take the piss like this.

Good day, sir.
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