What to do on Friday???



Is Moz staying at the Mandolay Bay casino? I figured if he is off Friday and in Vegas...(When in Rome). What other Hotel/Casinos are near the House of Blues? I need a place to stay.

...and a thought...
I really enjoy "Stop me..." and was hoping Morrissey would put something out with that kind of pace. I was trying to remember on 2 hours sleep and cannot think of any songs that approach that speed. "Interesting Drug" and "Mute Witness" come close and I like both of those. but nothing where he runs a string of lyrics together like in that song. It just seems that his last couple of albums have just been kind of slow and I really enjoy that frantic pace of "Stop me.." (ummmm, not to mention the lyrics and music are pretty darn good). Maybe I like those songs because he is able to get more lyrics out in 3 and a half minutes.

Oh well, I hope to see you all in Santa Barbara, Vegas, and Coachella. I couldn't get time off for Tempe.

(I also hope he doesn't cancel!!!)
> Is Moz staying at the Mandolay Bay casino? I figured if he is¿ off Friday and in Vegas...(When in Rome). What other¿ Hotel/Casinos are near the House of Blues? I need a place to¿ stay.

Let's see...Luxor is right next to Mandalay (that's where I'm staying!). They even have a walkway that takes you right in there. Excalibur is on the other side of the Luxor. Across the street is the MGM grand and the Tropicana (I think).¿ Oh well, I hope to see you all in Santa Barbara, Vegas, and¿ Coachella. I couldn't get time off for Tempe.

I will see you there! I'll be in Tempe, also!¿ (I also hope he doesn't cancel!!!)

He better not!
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