What Smiths Song Rocks the Hardest?

Who freaking cares about the SOUTH, we all know they've been brainwashed into voting Republican by their church anyway.

It's all about the southwest and midwest this time around....

Also Hillary CAN win Florida, if she keeps all of Kerry's states + Florida =President Billary Clitnon

Can this thread get back on topic?

No, Hillary can't win Florida...
Listen To Rank...then Listen to Earl's Court

I think maybe I'm just partial to Morrissey's version on The Quarry Tour because I saw it live, I do own Rank it's one of my favorite albums but I still have to say seeing Bigmouth live 2 feet from the stage makes it way better than listening on a cd. Although I can imagine how awesome it would have been to see The Smiths perform it live, probably 100 times better!

Also I like Rusholme Ruffians as my vote, but Bigmouth still holds #1 with me.
Listen To Rank...then Listen to Earl's Court

AGREED! Rank version of Bigmouth Strikes Again leaves the Earl's Court version for dead. The drum intro is awesome. :D

Surely there is no comparison when it comes to Smiths playing Smiths tracks and Morrissey's backing band playing Smiths tracks! It just doesn't sound the same.
aGREED! Rank version leaves the Earl's Court version dead. The drum intro is awesome. :D
You can't compare Smiths playing Smiths tracks to Morrissey's backing band playing Smiths tracks. There is no comparison.

True..I just felt that Morrissey really didn't do justice to Bigmouth by playing it the middle of the set and barely touching 3 minutes...If it had been an encore...I'm sure I would have loved it much better..

It's probably my least favorite performance Of A Smiths song by Morrissey
I'd have to add Barbarism, Handsome Devil, Still Ill and Miserable Lie to this list. Bigmouth too.

Johnny always looks cool as f*ck playing the intro to Still Ill live. Love it. :D
Has to be "Bigmouth...." End of......​
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