((What Did YOU do for MORRISSEY'S B-DAY))



I wrote his name in every desk I sat at in class, I felt like a rebel.. But anyway, I WAS gonna give meat up but my plans were ruined.I didnt eat any meat till I got home. My grandmother had cooked up some meat with rice and other stuff. There was NOTHING else to eat I felt bad ass i ate, this poor animal .. anywho what did you ppl do?
took a chemistry final, studied for my military art final, slept and stared out the window at the clouds in the sky...how fitting, a gloomy day...
Good topic...I like it!

> I wrote his name in every desk I sat at in class, I felt like a
> rebel.. But anyway, I WAS gonna give meat up but my plans were
> ruined.I didnt eat any meat till I got home. My grandmother had
> cooked up some meat with rice and other stuff. There was NOTHING
> else to eat I felt bad ass i ate, this poor animal .. anywho
> what did you ppl do?

Don't feel badly...I am sure Morrissey is happy that you were thinking of your Grandma, not to metion your empty tummy, rather than his feelings on butchered meat! No, seriously, I too went until about 3 p.m. when I finally gave in to the pressure and had a piece of sliced turkey- WHAT was I thinking!???

Umm, as far as my day went, I guess I spent it sorta like Morrissey would on one of his days off- I took a couple mile walk...a bit shorter than usual as I have this horrible thing in my chest that made me feel all wheezy...when I got home, I decided that it was WAY too lovely outside to waste it, so I jumped in the pool for a bit and laid out getting a bit cancerous; nothing like a soft, breezy afternoon with the buzz of the gardeners behind the fence (Gettt your head outta the gutter! I mean the buzz of the edge trimmer...not the human anatomy) to make ya relax and catch a tan...hmmm. This evening I have thought of what he may be doing in LA, so near-by, but alas, I haven't a clue! I am sure it is something that is making him smile.

I can't believe they killed Buffy! Did they REALLY Greasy?! You know I don't have cable...let me in on it! I would've died too if I were going to UPN from WB. Oh, never mind. She'll be back as a ghost or something anyway. Am I REALLY talking about this?

Now, how 'bout the X-Files! There was QUITE the end of a season...my best dream would be that next season they open with Mulder and Scully in bed, and Skinner comes in as if he has come in about 50 times before that and asks them if they are ever going to get up and get dressed...

David, I'll EASILY give up Morrissey if you say you'll be my bud! (Duchovney, that is...not the "T-man".)

:p Laura
I brought chocolate covered strawberries to work and let their number one fan take home most of them. I worked in a blur because we are working for the 3-day weekend. At lunch, I forgot and walked near Congress and some freak came up to me and demanded $0.35, and when I was trying to walk away from him (I recognized him from another day doing the exact same thing to some other guy, and he was getting all pushy and hateful with this guy who was minding his own business), he kept following after me in this predatory stalking manner like he was a couple of steps from beating my face in, "what? not a nickel? do you speak English?"

I chewed an email pal out for being a lazy bum in trying to manipulate me into doing his footwork.

I went to tennis and sucked ass because I felt stiff and slow. I played the first open mic i've played in a year and a half and had some scary looking dude with 3 teeth in his head trying to get me to do a blues turnaround as I was sitting outside playing softly to myself. I covered Leonard Cohen's "hallelujiah" and a moz-inspired song written on my part. Heard people talking through my set. Now I'm at home, tired, kitchen a complete wreck, but this is average.
What I didn't do

> I wrote his name in every desk I sat at in class, I felt like a
> rebel.. But anyway, I WAS gonna give meat up but my plans were
> ruined.I didnt eat any meat till I got home. My grandmother had
> cooked up some meat with rice and other stuff. There was NOTHING
> else to eat I felt bad ass i ate, this poor animal .. anywho
> what did you ppl do?

i didn't listen to KROQ's flashback lunch - and it was a whole hour of Morrissey!!
i heard lots of bach and i remembered morrissey a lot.

moz is the greatest.

> i didn't listen to KROQ's flashback lunch - and it was a whole
> hour of Morrissey!!

Same here Fab, but I didn't think they had the balls to do it anymore!

I guess I was wrong...

He probably heard the whole thing- and there I was lounging at the pool...:::sigh:::

Ok, I meant Bertie...oops...I'm a BIT buzzed what can I say?
Re: Ok, I meant Bertie...oops...I'm a BIT buzzed what can I say?

So is it safe to say you broke out the bubbly to celebrate, or is it something harder?
> i heard lots of bach and i remembered morrissey a lot.

> moz is the greatest.

Had a listen to my Naomi Campbell CD. Shares the same birthday as him. Well, I HAD to do something different.

The GlamGod
(Brisbane, AUSTRALIA)
I was pretty down for most of the day 'cause I was thinking about officially "cutting the cord" on someone who's just been stringing me along, but I can't bear to push this person out of my life completely.

Then I got pissed off when a friend canceled on me - we were supposed to go see "Memento" together, but she decided she was "too lazy" to see a movie and besides, the season finale of "Dark Angel" was on (I offered to tape it for her, but no).

**Now, how the HELL do you explain being "too lazy" to go to a movie?? You just SIT there!**

The reason I was so upset about that was because in my little posse, I'm always the last one to be accomodated when THEY decide how we're going to spend an evening. They'll think nothing of making plans to go to this HORRIBLE guido bar to hear dance music (which I ALWAYS decline to go to), yet they go anyway. But whenever *I* try to make plans, no one is up for it, or they pretend to be, then let me down at the last minute. This friend is "too lazy" to sit through a movie which she's been WANTING to see, yet ask her to go out drinking and she'll be there at a moment's notice, no matter how tired or lazy she happens to be feeling.

Anyway, turns out that she changed her mind and we went to see the movie. AWESOME FILM! But it's one of those films that you need to see a couple more times in order to "get" it, because everything is revealed in the end and by that time, you've forgotten a lot of the overlooked details.

I told her I would tape "Dark Angel" for her, but guess what?


Uh...did anyone happen to tape it???

PS: It befuddles me that a person can't go even a DAY without meat.
Re: Ok, I meant Bertie...oops...I'm a BIT buzzed what can I say?

> So is it safe to say you broke out the bubbly to celebrate, or
> is it something harder?

No actually I swore off hard stuff years ago with a nasty encounter with a few too many shots...I was buzzed on a mix of red wine and some beer. I had some REALLY f.ucked up stuff happen to me last night too...ugh- Memories.

Hmm... Well I broke up with my boyfriend at around 1am in the morning which i guess can be considered Morrissey's birthday.
Went to sleep... woke up around 9 and it was still his birthday so I put on my overly sized Morrissey t-shirt. Went shopping for a few hours then changed because it was 120 degrees and noone in my city knows who Morrissey is anyway! Played some Smiths , went out to lunch with my momma then spent the rest of the afternoon looking and applying for jobs online. By the end of the day me and my boyfriend had sorted things out and were back together. Ate Some beef stew for dinner , watched "who wants to be a millionaire" Then went to sleep" Happy b-day mozzer.
Morrissey on the radio

> i didn't listen to KROQ's flashback lunch - and it was a whole
> hour of Morrissey!!

Is it just me, or does anyone else feel a strange satisfaction when hearing Morrissey's songs played on the radio. For some reason it feels nice to know what there are people all over the city thinking, "You know this song is really good. Who is it?"

On a side note, this morning as I went out for breakfast I saw someone driving a car with "Moz Angeles" on the rear window. What the hell does this have to do with Morrissey on the radio? I don't know.

By the way, if you're the one I saw (I don't imagine there are too many of you out there wth this sticker): clever! I thought it was cute.


Re: Morrissey on the radio

> Is it just me, or does anyone else feel a strange satisfaction
> when hearing Morrissey's songs played on the radio. For some
> reason it feels nice to know what there are people all over the
> city thinking, "You know this song is really good. Who is
> it?"

Yes I used to feel that way. Our station playes all those new creed sounding rock band but a few years ago they would ocassionally play the smiths ,the cure, oingo boingo and other 80's, even an occasional Morrissey song . A smile would come on my face knowing our lil hick town were all hearing "How soon is now?" and wondering who the hell this freak actually singing about life was. Anyway, they haven't played them or any other flashbacks in 4 years now ;-/

> On a side note, this morning as I went out for breakfast I saw
> someone driving a car with "Moz Angeles" on the rear
> window. What the hell does this have to do with Morrissey on the
> radio? I don't know.

> By the way, if you're the one I saw (I don't imagine there are
> too many of you out there wth this sticker): clever! I thought
> it was cute.

Really? I would think they all had stickers like that ! OH i once saw someone with a smiths sticker here too. Was An exciting experience.
Re: Morrissey on the radio

> Is it just me, or does anyone else feel a strange satisfaction
> when hearing Morrissey's songs played on the radio. For some
> reason it feels nice to know what there are people all over the
> city thinking, "You know this song is really good. Who is
> it?"

Yes, I agree...ocassionally they play "How soon is now..." on Star 98.7. I have also caught a LOT of the Smiths on the digital tv channel that labels themselves as "Alternative." They are more alternative than lots of others who claim themselves to be these days.

> On a side note, this morning as I went out for breakfast I saw
> someone driving a car with "Moz Angeles" on the rear
> window. What the hell does this have to do with Morrissey on the
> radio? I don't know.

> By the way, if you're the one I saw (I don't imagine there are
> too many of you out there wth this sticker): clever! I thought
> it was cute.

That wasn't me, but I used to drive my old T-Bird with a license plate holder embossed with "The Smiths" across the top and "Morrissey" across the bottom. Unfortunately it would get stolen about every time I turned around, so after having made the third one I gave up...then I put a "M-O-R-R-I-S-S-E-Y" sticker across my back window, which had my Dad upset, so I had to take it off after about 6 months- he doesn't like stickers of any kind on a car...I was 17 under pressure, what can I say?

I'm older now, and suppose if I tried I could go find another sticker somewhere, but I feel I have outgrown that phase, you know?

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