What did make you smile today?

Waiting for the bus this morning, late for work, feelin' like shite, a complete stranger tapped me on the shoulder and told me she really loved the colour of my bright red denim western jacket. And she wasn't a nutter or anythin'....
May very well be the highlight of my week :cool:
Waiting for the bus this morning, late for work, feelin' like shite, a complete stranger tapped me on the shoulder and told me she really loved the colour of my bright red denim western jacket. And she wasn't a nutter or anythin'....
May very well be the highlight of my week :cool:

A bright red denim jacket? I think she was probably a nutter Joe
Deal.But can we throw in John Barrowman?

No. Not unless you take Kanye West and Lady Gaga. And lock them in one of your fancy old castles forever.

Hey, I spoke to my friend. It's pronounced like it's spelled, though you skip over the T. Icks-lolly. And I forgot the best name! There's a girl named Andromeda. We thought she might go by Anne or Andy or something, nope. Andromeda. :D
The prospect of moving into my new flat in three weeks time. I've got itchy feet. :squiffy:
no. Not unless you take kanye west and lady gaga. And lock them in one of your fancy old castles forever.

Hey, i spoke to my friend. It's pronounced like it's spelled, though you skip over the t. Icks-lolly. And i forgot the best name! There's a girl named andromeda. We thought she might go by anne or andy or something, nope. Andromeda. :d

Icks-lolly, yer tea's ready!!
Purrito just logged an awesome Lifer.

Black-headed Ibis
Threskiornis melanoocephalus
February 2, 2010
Tangalle, Sri Lanka

I did more than smile. I acutally laughed out loud while Listening to Sally Bercow saying, in all seriousness, that Willam Hague should have dealt with the gay rumours by putting out a statement he and his wife 'have a great sex life'. Rather than what he did do which was to announce the specualtion that his marriage was a sham because they didn't have kids was not 'cause he was gay but because his wife had had many miscarriages.
This comment on the main page from "sinbad" regarding this photo. :rofl:

"I love the new artwork. Moz should re-re-re-release his entire catalogue in this style ... keep it simple. Reminds me of a Factory release. Nice job Moz. Major Minor indeed. "

I've been looking at this and I have to confess, the next time I housesit I'm going to try to perch Meredith on my head. She'd totally do it if it's even possible. :D


So in LaLaAmieland which I'll try not to inflict on everyone regarding this interview tomorrow but I'll tell this tidbit because it's funny, I had a chance encounter with a total nutjob at the Santa Monica Pier last night that reminds me of this photo. We were there over the course of a few hours and toward the beginning I noticed this girl wearing a silver butterfly mask over her glasses, a mask just big enough to cover her eyes. So a few hours and four cans of beer later I have to pee something feirce and leave my friend on the peir to use the restroom down near where this lady was because I didn't want to fight my way through a huge crowd while I'm on the verge of exploding. SO afterward, feeling intensely relieved, slightly buzzed and chatty enough to talk to a crazy stranger at the peir, I walk up to this girl who is still sitting there with this silver mask. I say 'Hey, what's up with the mask?" and she lifts it up to above her eyes and rests it there. It was dark out, streetlamp light, but I'd say she looked maybe 25. No crow's feet or wrinkles at all, definitely the lost look of someone not completely in control of her thoughts, but very young. She says, "Oh, it's my birthday today. The mask is to celebrate my birthday." And she shakes my hand. Her hand was very dry and calloused. I asked her how old she was and she said she was 42. :cool: If anyone remembers my little glyph lectures or whatever, 42 is Jupiter who dances with Saturn in thought. The cat on Morrissey's head wears a fur mask above his or her eyes, making Morrissey Saturn. That made me smile. :D Okay I'll shut up now. :straightface:
I thought of something on my walk that makes more sense. If the cat is an extension of Morrissey, he's wearing her or him as a hat, then she or he represents what Morrissey is. He's wearing the Jupiter hat as a cat. That makes more sense than him being Saturn because it illustrates the point of Morrissey representing half of the sacred feminine which Jupiter is a big part of. When I say Saturn and Jupiter, these are like cosmic roles or archetypes, I'm not saying that Morrissey is a planet or delving into bullshit astrology or anything. And I'm just applying my key I picked up last night so don't get all aggro yousocrazy on me. :o
A bright red denim jacket? I think she was probably a nutter Joe

:lbf: That (sorry Joe Frady!). And the last two pages of this thread are the only things that have made me laugh today.

I like the celebrity culture swap ideas, and the childrens name stuff.

Did anyone ever see that sketch by Alan Carr about kids names? His theme was that when they all had 'normal' names like Jack or Lisa they were all quite nice, but now they've all got exotic names they just want to stab you in the face.
Someone posted this on The Fall forums.

Another thing that made me laugh was when he said in that Guardian interview something he's talked about before, and that's that - besides the romantic notion of the vulnerability of a singer performing on stage - what appealed to him was the possibility of assassination that came with being so open on stage.

But when someone threw a plastic cup at his head last year he stormed off in a huff.
The xx are a Mercury Music Prize-winning band from London, England.

finding that on wiki about 10 seconds after the announcement
attention seeking ep bestest. bloody nuisance dmb ginger balls happiness is for the weak happyhappyjoyjoy i love ep i'm so happy!!11!!!1! ignore button love :) schadenfreude
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