Viz magazine's ongoing love affair with Morrissey


A scan from the Viz 'Big Pink Stiff One' (Best of issues 19-25) this photo story has probably been posted here before.

However if anyone wants to see it I'll scan the whole thing and post here.
Warning: it has a sad ending!
Here ya go GWTT - 'specially for you...



I think Viz like Morrissey and don't say anything too scathing about him, they just rib him a bit, people like Bono and Sting on the other hand feel the sharp tongue of viz.
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Viz = Vizionary. :bow:

I've got the original of that, I feel like I have a first edition signed by Oscar Wilde.:D (of Viz ov course)

Have you got the time? said the guy with a watch on each wrist... That line alone now would be Comedy Gold!:eek:

...And I think everyone here will agree. :thumb:
Funny stuff. If you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at. I know I laughed when Mrs Warboise and I got stuck in that bag of cement.

It was better when she got shagged by that dog.
Re: dose shuz

Aaw maaan, wish I'd sein' dose in Jooly when I wuz lookin' for kool footwear to walk like a big dawg in, yo!:mad:
Dat size 6 hip-hobbit Bono tho', he be sorry dey don't make' em ordopedik flip-flops no mo', for shoe. (For shoo, I mean.) He flip a flop! :eek:
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