United States as seen from a Canadian Friend! MUST READ!

Russ T? Ah so funny...rusty russ t , get it? Hey how about walter melon you Smegma Souffle

I never claimed to know it all unlike you ya first class idiot. Look hinghang, nobody thinks you're clever and to put it quite simply...you are a pure rip off of me. Just look at your header, sorry kid, why don't you come up with your own $hit and stop stealing from me.

Oh and before you rebut let me do it for you..

"You obviously don't know anything because you Americans are bloddy daft and I am veddy veddy Engeeerlish and we are veddy classy you kingkang."

Okay see? It's easy to emulate you because you ARE A PISS POOR copy of me.

Tuss T (puns are so funny, so finnee funny..I'm surprised you didn't call yourself Walter Melon or Justin Case or Justin Credible or something "cool")
Oh dear.... big old C minus on the humour front, I'm afraid, you little, little person, you.....

Before I rip you to bits, I have to congratulate you on calling me a 'first class idiot'. I'm extremely pleased you recognise first class when you read it.... and just a tad surprised, oh little one....

as for the rest of your garbled little post....err....what?!?!?!

A piss poor copy ofsomeone as bland and insignificant as YOU? I'd like to think my humour was a tad sharper, insightful and ironic than your own, which time and again you've shown is crude, schoolboyish, rude and uninteresting. If it doesn't involve faeces or genatalia, it really does appear to be above your understanding, does it not?

Is your favourite film 'Wayne's World'?

Oh please.... and as for the play on my name? Err.... my name is Russ Thomas, hence the abbreviation. It's the name I use everywhere I post on the web.... and have used for rather longer than I've had the misfortune of reading your imbecilic vile little scribes.... Simple, eh? Rather like yourself....

Oh, and as for the 'Im English' @#!!!e.... I'm actually half Irish, half Welsh, not a drop of English in me (well, apart from last night). But then again, don't Americans call EVERYONE who comes from Great Britain 'English'? Even, much to their chagrin, (look it up in a dictionary, dear), the Scots and the Welsh?

It's rather like calling an American 'Canadian'.

Obviously you're one of the 60% of Americans who don't own a passport.....

> I never claimed to know it all unlike you ya first class idiot.
> Look hinghang, nobody thinks you're clever and to put it quite
> simply...you are a pure rip off of me. Just look at your header,
> sorry kid, why don't you come up with your own $hit and stop
> stealing from me.

> Oh and before you rebut let me do it for you..

> "You obviously don't know anything because you Americans
> are bloddy daft and I am veddy veddy Engeeerlish and we are
> veddy classy you kingkang."

> Okay see? It's easy to emulate you because you ARE A PISS POOR
> copy of me.

> Tuss T (puns are so funny, so finnee funny..I'm surprised you
> didn't call yourself Walter Melon or Justin Case or Justin
> Credible or something "cool")
Re: Oh dear.... big old C minus on trying to sound like Morrissey front

Humor? who said I was trying to be funny? I never intend to be funny you stupid chote!

Before I hand your ego back to you in a bedpan, you listen to me you bag of whore manuer. You are outmatched in even trying to confront me in any manner. You simply do not have the tenacity nor the intelligence to try. So stop doing that annoying thing: breathing.

I can sum up your (by the way thanks for spening a good hour on your rebuttle) entire boring statement in one sentence...

"I am smart, I am ENGLISH, I am travel, you no am assport, I am witty (wink wink), why me am cool? Me cool, Me like Bill & Ted's"

Shut the fu.ck up you moron. It's a wonder why your mother wasn't Bruce Lee'd into the womb before shatting out such a dismal embarrassment..russ t. Ho ho get it? Rusty. Russ T? rusty get it? Get it? ..feh you loser sandwich.
Ho hum... 'There's Something About Greasetea'

Before you even attempt a reply to me, PLEASE learn to spell. A diss looks ever so gimpy and pathetic when incorrectly spelt, I find.

Don't you, oh little one?

Your boring little scribes are like the work of a blind dyslexic on mind bending substances. Only with half the wit. And insight.

I was hoping to read a valid, humourous one of your little posts. In fact, I was hoping to FIND one, to be frank. Unfortunately, I failed.

Once again, you've failed to impress.... and as for the hour responding. Oh please... I do have other things to do than belittle you in public, you know.

I rarely argue with or humiliate sub-educated tasteless lonely little boys like yourself. But you are ripe for humiliation, you beg to be spoken to in a way I'd talk to a naughty backward young child... your vocabulary is shocking, your spelling abysmal, your manner unpleasant... and well, sorry, but your humour makes Leslie Nielson sound like Woody Allen.

I think you've been watching too many Farrelly Brothers movies, you know. Heard one spunk and cock joke, heard 'em all. Know what I mean?

Your posts have only become coherent and in any way decipherable when you write about Tuesday's bombing.... you sent a glut of 'Go Get 'Em's' then, if I remember. Before that, as I said, if it didn't involve genetalia or bodily fluid, it was beyond your grasp.

I do pity (and find rather funny) your delusion of grandeur. However, I won't pander to it.

As I say elsewhere on here to you.... pick an argument with me and be prepared to be outwitted, outsmarted and most importantly... outclassed.

Your posts make me smile, little one.

But not in a good way.

Humor? who said I was trying to be funny? I never intend to be
> funny you stupid chote!

> Before I hand your ego back to you in a bedpan, you listen to me
> you bag of whore manuer. You are outmatched in even trying to
> confront me in any manner. You simply do not have the tenacity
> nor the intelligence to try. So stop doing that annoying thing:
> breathing.

> I can sum up your (by the way thanks for spening a good hour on
> your rebuttle) entire boring statement in one sentence...

> "I am smart, I am ENGLISH, I am travel, you no am assport,
> I am witty (wink wink), why me am cool? Me cool, Me like Bill
> & Ted's"

> Shut the fu.ck up you moron. It's a wonder why your mother
> wasn't Bruce Lee'd into the womb before shatting out such a
> dismal embarrassment..russ t. Ho ho get it? Rusty. Russ T? rusty
> get it? Get it? ..feh you loser sandwich.
Re: Suzanne....

> Have you ever BEEN to Ireland? Your statements, whilst mainly
> true, simply DO NOT represent the people of Ireland and how they
> feel.

> It is all very well for you to be thousands of miles away in
> America, with distant distant relatives (3 times removed) in
> Ireland who throw their arms in the air at the injustices of the
> Brits and Ireland, and who probably slime round bars with Noraid
> collecting boxes, but you probably have never even been to
> Northern Ireland to gauge exactly what these people want.

> The Irish people KNOW that if Britain pulls out its peace
> keeping troops, Ireland will descend into mass violence,
> bitterness and ultimately slaughter..... have you seen the
> recent images of the schoolchildren, being terrified on their
> way to school because they are walking in an area they shouldn't
> walk through? Do you think the troops or Britain caused this????

> Your history lesson on Ireland, whilst in parts correct, simply
> isn't relevant now.... just as America's shameful treatment of
> the Indian tribes shouldn't taint how these people are treated
> today. ALL our countries have shameful pasts, if we're honest,
> things that simply aren't justifiable in this day and age.

> We apparently live in a civilised age now, we should have learnt
> from our mistakes.

> Ireland has a VERY small violent percentage who wreak havoc on
> all the decent law abiding people in the country. These decent
> ordinary people are proud to be British and are thankful that we
> have some visibility in their country because they are
> FRIGHTENED of what will happen if we're not there.

> Maybe you should visit Ireland, talk to these people (not the
> faceless, nameless cowards who shake their Noraid tins
> throughout your country to fund their atrocities again st
> innocents - men, women and mainly, so it seems, children) , find
> out how they feel. You'd be shocked at their shame, anger,
> bitterness and hatred toward this small section who will never
> stop tainting their country with the vileness that is terrorism.

well, i believe we've found the thing that links America and Britain together: an unwillingness to share in the responsibility of what happened in the past and its effects on today.

The wars on Afghanistan and Iraq was in the "past". Why not say "oh, those middle easterners should get over it"?

yet, its OK for you to sit there and point the finger and say "look, you silly American's, you reap what you sow" and then say, "well, it's DIFFERENT for us"

The only difference is that it's personal for you. You personally are a target, and that's why you feel safe taking this stance of keeping the status quo of English presence.

"gee, don't they know why they're hated"

I can ask the same of you.

let us reverse the situation. Say that ireland became super strong and decided you needed a taste of what it was like. They invade, take over your buildings, and make you go live in Wales because they don't want that land. Would you, even 100 years later, say, "gee, those Irish are such great people. I'm so glad that I'm living in the coal mines as I would have no idea the pleasure I was missing otherwise".

Then, they sweeten the deal. They say, "we want to be good friends with the french. We're going to let them colonize the Cotswolds in exchange for their cheesemaking technology" or whatever reason you can think of. You are saying, "hey, the French have got their own land and plenty of it! This belongs to me!" Yet, there you are, stuck in the mines having rarebit for supper and starving while the french and Irish with their armies are stealing your food and are living in mansions and getting rich off the resources you have.

They look around and say, "this place looks too...english. Why don't we knock down Big Ben and erect a new Eiffel tower as a symbol of our unity and to show who's in charge?"

That tower has been there for centuries, but they don't care. it's a symbolic statement that the land no longer belongs to the English.

And again, there you are, scrounging for leeks in the rocky terrain and the things that symbolize your history are systematically being torn down and replaced with someone else's.

Even decades after Ireland was able to partially kick out the British in the early 1900's, they obviously didn't feel like that was enough and went onward until they completely became their own country again in 1951. And do you not see why? Or are you still thinking about it in terms of a couple of pipe bombs?

So, when I read things from the British saying "you americans just don't get it" I have mixed emotions. I agree, but then again, it's also staring you people right in the face and you turn a blind eye to it.

From what I've heard on the news these days, the "protestants" are the ones throwing the bombs at catholics. This time, it's not the IRA. How can you sit there and say, "well, it's all the catholics fault and they are such children that we can't leave them alone for two seconds"? You honestly can't.
Russ T rusty? russ t russ t? get it?

You have better things to do?

Yes, like repsond to my every poist like your doing now.

Quit kidding yourself and do what you normally do, cry in bed over an imagined girlfriend and then masturbate looking at catalogs of children's clothing.

Please quit trying to sound like me or Morrissey. Find your own style, but that of course is gonna be hard for someone who hates blacks.

I hear the burning cross style is vogue.
Imagined girlfriend?

Oh please, greasetea, I'd rather have darts in my eyeballs.

Your incredibly insightful, though, to even assume I'd want a girlfriend. Imagined or not.

And incredibly stupid to think ANYONE, least of all, ME, would want to sound anything like YOU. God, perish the thought.


p.s. in case you've forgotten, YOU responded to ME first. Memory failing you, little man?

p.p.s. I find masturbating over the y-fronts and gardening tools section of the catalogue FAR more pleasurable than the kiddies bit. I usually save that bit til last. When the rest is stuck together.

Oh dear, your own brand of 'humour' seems to be rubbing off on me....not nice, is it? Ugh!

> You have better things to do?

> Yes, like repsond to my every poist like your doing now.

> Quit kidding yourself and do what you normally do, cry in bed
> over an imagined girlfriend and then masturbate looking at
> catalogs of children's clothing.

> Please quit trying to sound like me or Morrissey. Find your own
> style, but that of course is gonna be hard for someone who hates
> blacks.

> I hear the burning cross style is vogue.
Re: Imagined girlfriend?

Little man?

In order to really sound like morrissey you need to say mealy mouth and other such things.

To sound like me, well I never say little man.

If it's all the same to you, your insults range from:

Please in English...


Try again.

what better things to do? yes keep responding to me, those are your better things.
As I said, little one, it's YOU who keeps responding to ME. Now go and do some filing or the mail.
sorry monkeycum, it's you that keeps responding and the one that bragged "I have bettah things to do

yes...like molest your baby sister while you bathe her.

I know these things.

Well I did hope this thread wouldn't degenerate into the petty squabble that it has become, with two idiots calling each other names and others arguing about who has the worst history. PATHETIC.
The US has been hit badly, Britain offered support and friendship immediately, many British institutions and military establishments have taken down the Union Flag and are flying the Stars and Stripes at half mast, everyone joined in the 3 mins silence today, the US national anthem was even played during a traditional British ceremony in London (unprecedented), NATO has taken this attack as an attack on NATO and invoked clause 5 for the first time ever and my wife, who has no relatives in the US and no links with the country in anyway way actually cried whilst watching the news and listening to the telephone calls left on answer machines.

This scenario is happening in many other countries also.

Those who indulge in petty squabbles and attempt to foster a them and us attitude at a time like this should be truly ashamed of themselves.

I'll see you in the futon on Saturday afternoon then. Wink.
Greasetea better be able to swim fast then, because I'll be there first!
to those who once were and will be...

> Well I did hope this thread wouldn't degenerate into the petty
> squabble that it has become, with two idiots calling each other
> names and others arguing about who has the worst history.
> The US has been hit badly, Britain offered support and
> friendship immediately, many British institutions and military
> establishments have taken down the Union Flag and are flying the
> Stars and Stripes at half mast, everyone joined in the 3 mins
> silence today, the US national anthem was even played during a
> traditional British ceremony in London (unprecedented), NATO has
> taken this attack as an attack on NATO and invoked clause 5 for
> the first time ever and my wife, who has no relatives in the US
> and no links with the country in anyway way actually cried
> whilst watching the news and listening to the telephone calls
> left on answer machines.

> This scenario is happening in many other countries also.

> Those who indulge in petty squabbles and attempt to foster a
> them and us attitude at a time like this should be truly ashamed
> of themselves.

First of all, I called nobody bad names. If you are referring to others, please redirect your post to them. I don't feel like being childish and calling someone a "poopiehead".

Second of all, we were having what I would think is a relatively complex discussion on the nature of international relations and how they come back and bite you on the butt. If you can't handle the fact that I'm trying to draw a parallel and imagine how they would feel if the same thing happened to them, again, go somewhere else. Because you never know. As Roman once fell, and not by a super power, but from nomadic tribes who launched raids against them, all of our positions in the world are equally tenuous. It may not be you, but it may be generations from now, or more accurately, most of you are born of people who were once invaded and subdued. The Romans, the Normans, the Germans, you name it. It's always been tit for tat in that area.

Third, it's nice that you cried. I did also. These past few days have been awful, but you know something? I'm not going to be like some of my petty neighbors moaning about how the coverage is interfering with their favorite TV program, or how they insist on turning the channel right before they interview a victim because its "too sad and I just don't like sad things." Which, ironically, made me think of an article I saw in The Onion about the Freedom _From_ Information Act when this person was saying it. I know people can't handle how they feel and some people have breaking points, but c'mon. This girl's biggest worry in life was that her parents might go to her favorite burger place when she wasn't in town visiting them after she had been bugging them to take her every time she flew in.

Fourth, I think it's healthier and more productive to look at things for what they were instead of spouting useless cliches. What good does it do? When you blind yourself from the truth, you cause tons more problems. So far, 5,000 people have died. That's huge, but think, if we do something rash and indiscriminate, how many more innocent people are going to die? "A war against terrorism" is so vague. Are they going to carpet bomb a foreign country, killing everything in sight just to get a few people? Probably. And what will those people do in return? Hijack more planes and send them through buildings? I live near and work near the state capitol. I know if someone gets pissed off enough and they run out of big enough targets, mine might be next as they supposedly found some potential terrorists on an Amtrack outside of Ft. Worth today. DFW is just far enough away that they could have pointed the plane either at some sky scrapers in Dallas or make the 30 minute flight to where I am. I really don't want a plane landing on my head. I don't want to be buried under concrete or burned beyond recognition. And the only way you stop that is by interfering with other countries and pissing them off, which was my point which you missed.
Re: to those who once were and will be...

I was referring to the whole thread as I think was obvious from my post, I simply replied to yours as the thread was quickly disappearing off the side of the screen.
You also seem to have missed my point. I was suggesting that we take time to reflect on what has happened and to feel some of the mutual sense of loss together (possibly 500 Brits died also), but as you seem to have a great solution to such problems, why don't you let us know.

> First of all, I called nobody bad names. If you are referring to
> others, please redirect your post to them. I don't feel like
> being childish and calling someone a "poopiehead".

> Second of all, we were having what I would think is a relatively
> complex discussion on the nature of international relations and
> how they come back and bite you on the butt. If you can't handle
> the fact that I'm trying to draw a parallel and imagine how they
> would feel if the same thing happened to them, again, go
> somewhere else. Because you never know. As Roman once fell, and
> not by a super power, but from nomadic tribes who launched raids
> against them, all of our positions in the world are equally
> tenuous. It may not be you, but it may be generations from now,
> or more accurately, most of you are born of people who were once
> invaded and subdued. The Romans, the Normans, the Germans, you
> name it. It's always been tit for tat in that area.

> Third, it's nice that you cried. I did also. These past few days
> have been awful, but you know something? I'm not going to be
> like some of my petty neighbors moaning about how the coverage
> is interfering with their favorite TV program, or how they
> insist on turning the channel right before they interview a
> victim because its "too sad and I just don't like sad
> things." Which, ironically, made me think of an article I
> saw in The Onion about the Freedom _From_ Information Act when
> this person was saying it. I know people can't handle how they
> feel and some people have breaking points, but c'mon. This
> girl's biggest worry in life was that her parents might go to
> her favorite burger place when she wasn't in town visiting them
> after she had been bugging them to take her every time she flew
> in.

> Fourth, I think it's healthier and more productive to look at
> things for what they were instead of spouting useless cliches.
> What good does it do? When you blind yourself from the truth,
> you cause tons more problems. So far, 5,000 people have died.
> That's huge, but think, if we do something rash and
> indiscriminate, how many more innocent people are going to die?
> "A war against terrorism" is so vague. Are they going
> to carpet bomb a foreign country, killing everything in sight
> just to get a few people? Probably. And what will those people
> do in return? Hijack more planes and send them through
> buildings? I live near and work near the state capitol. I know
> if someone gets pissed off enough and they run out of big enough
> targets, mine might be next as they supposedly found some
> potential terrorists on an Amtrack outside of Ft. Worth today.
> DFW is just far enough away that they could have pointed the
> plane either at some sky scrapers in Dallas or make the 30
> minute flight to where I am. I really don't want a plane landing
> on my head. I don't want to be buried under concrete or burned
> beyond recognition. And the only way you stop that is by
> interfering with other countries and pissing them off, which was
> my point which you missed.
You two are hilarious, but it is SOOO funny that Russ T. has NOOO idea..ROFL.
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