Ugly English people - it is true, i'm sorry



Sorry to say this, and I am no lover of Americans bashing everything non American (or America for that matter) but English people are a very sad ugly race by their own admission and NOT mine- I am Swedish, and all English could talk about is how they think Swedish blonde women are so attractive. This is the English saying this and I mean it was so common to hear this. In Sweden this would be laughed at as ridiculous, but the English clearly are not happy with their own looks! Or else why would you all love our women so much

Sorry I had to point this out.

Dark -haired Irishwomen are better looking than the insipid blonde swedes,anyday!
At least dark-haired girls have eyelashes and eyebrows!
You see you are making a very common mistake, but thats ok let me explain. The thing is that English people (like me) think Swedish women are really easy and when we say attractive that's really what we mean. I mean you can't very well tell a Swedish (or any woman) in a pub or club that you think she will sleep with you very easily so we use the word "attractive" and lets be honest it is a very attractive quality in a woman who will soon return to another country! Hope I helped you out mate!
i never claimed contrary - i am basing this on what ENGLISH tell me and -note- ONLY the English
As a Swede, I know that both Swedish women do enjoy sex as much as any other - but certainly not with the English who they generally see as an uglier version of what they can already get at home. Generally, more exotic tends to do it for them I find.. in Stockholm at least... not the English though!
> I know different Lars!!

well of course i am not saying swedish women have never slept with any english person for that would be silly. but what i write is the truth of the general perception. however i do know a friend of mine also who went to england and had a boyfriend but he was of asian origin and thus a little different.

but my point was that the english clearly don't find their own women so attractive. and you cannot tell me that it is because there is a perception of swedish women being easy - i have seen your documentaries of ugly fat english girls going to ibiza to see how much sex they can get
Perhaps English beauty transcends your limited Eurovision notions. Perhaps if you developed a more fullsome haptic sensibilty you could then appeciate our bog eyes and our pasty skin.
Swedish women are like lager - easy and bland - generic people you could say.

> Sorry to say this, and I am no lover of Americans bashing everything non
> American (or America for that matter) but English people are a very sad
> ugly race by their own admission and NOT mine- I am Swedish, and all
> English could talk about is how they think Swedish blonde women are so
> attractive. This is the English saying this and I mean it was so common to
> hear this. In Sweden this would be laughed at as ridiculous, but the
> English clearly are not happy with their own looks! Or else why would you
> all love our women so much

> Sorry I had to point this out.

> Lars
> Perhaps English beauty transcends your limited Eurovision notions. Perhaps
> if you developed a more fullsome haptic sensibilty you could then
> appeciate our bog eyes and our pasty skin.
> Swedish women are like lager - easy and bland - generic people you could
> say.

You have compeltely missed the point. I clearly stated that this is not my opinion about Swedish women and that, in fact, we Swedes would not even consider this point of view as it seems strange to us. My point was that all English men I meet seem to tell me that Swedish women are very beautiful, the most beautiful etc. It, therefore, confirms that English themselves think of themselves as ugly. You missed the point if you thought that it was my opinion.
Oh, sorry for the misunderstanding - you're absolutely right, English people do consider themselves ugly. Self doubt is at the core of the English psyche - but when you consider just how ugly we are it's no wonder.

> You have compeltely missed the point. I clearly stated that this is not my
> opinion about Swedish women and that, in fact, we Swedes would not even
> consider this point of view as it seems strange to us. My point was that
> all English men I meet seem to tell me that Swedish women are very
> beautiful, the most beautiful etc. It, therefore, confirms that English
> themselves think of themselves as ugly. You missed the point if you
> thought that it was my opinion.
Dream on you Swedish dyke......

I agree. Swedish women are much better looking than the English women. And much more classy with it too. I mean, come on people when was the last time you saw a English porn film with an English woman getting shagged by a f***ing donkey??? Everyone knows donkeys have good taste… proven by the fact that they only ever seem to get blow or shafted by Swedish women.

And I think you’ll all agree…. A Swedish bird all sprawled out in a Volvo S40 is every blokes idea of Heaven. f*** the English bird, slinked around a convertible Jag… Horrible… total horrible.

And Swedish Women refuse to wear anything other than real fur. Uhmmm.. Yes it’s true. They just love having animals killed for them to believe they are more attractive. With the addition of a few hundred dead animal skins.. ohhh they are twice as beautiful.. Not sure about you folks but dead animals always do it for me……. ????
Re: Dream on you Swedish dyke......

Another person who misses the point. It is not my opinion, it is the opinion of the English. When I was there I even saw it in the awful tabloids - references to "Swedish beauties". Again, it is weird for us in Sweden as we don't have this idea, but the British really do.

By the way, the Swedish have a far better animal rights record than the Brtish.
Re: Dream on you Swedish dyke......

Ohhh you Swedish have better Animal rights do you??? Well I believe you will find that YOUR Animal rights include, Whale hunting, Fur trade, extinction of most of your land mammals and to cap it all off your Ministers have just passed a f***ing bill to allow the barbaric scene of "Seal Clubbing Holidays".. go find out for yourself, it’s not a lie. So please, don't talk such shit. And I also see no denial of you owing fur!!! Tell me.. The fur you own..... it grew on a tree, right???. You people make me sick with your single track, uneducated views of your own countries policy. Read more and stop making up such shit... BTW you ever f***ed a donkey in a porn film??? Don't tell me.. The English have a worse reputation for this too... obviously.
Correction to my post

Opps.. sorry. I was wrong about the seals... It was Norway. (BTW I was born in Finland so I should have known better). Still I was right about the Donkey sex and fur stuff so have a cry about that.

BTW If I mimicked your generalisation of all English Women (as I believe you did not speak to all the English men regarding their views… or did you???). Norway is the same as Sweden (only Sweden has more shitty pine furniture E.g. IKEA.) So you both wish to have Seal clubbing holidays… so I was right. So piss off
Re: Correction to my post

Perhaps you can drag others into mud slinging, but we in Sweden have a saying, "to keep a cool head is to be Swedish". Just like our manager of your national football team has been teaching you hot headed men!

I have no fur, but I do have a beautiful Swedish girlfriend with nice skin, nice hair and nice teeth,

I'm with paper bag. I know different, plus, in my experience Swedish birds aren't quite the goers that they're made out to be. It's all hype.

> well of course i am not saying swedish women have never slept with any
> english person for that would be silly. but what i write is the truth of
> the general perception. however i do know a friend of mine also who went
> to england and had a boyfriend but he was of asian origin and thus a
> little different.

> but my point was that the english clearly don't find their own women so
> attractive. and you cannot tell me that it is because there is a
> perception of swedish women being easy - i have seen your documentaries of
> ugly fat english girls going to ibiza to see how much sex they can get

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