Translator required



Is there a web site I can use to translate Theo's posts into english?
> Is there a web site I can use to translate Theo's posts into english?

LOL!!!! I often say the same f***in thing about the resident f***face Grim.
The reason you're a deranged fever-swamp lefty is because on the DAY of the London bombing you declared it a CIA orchestrated attack, and ever since then you've been trying to assemble little tidbits to support this, while ignoring the masses of information the British investigation is uncovering, zero of which points to the CIA or anyone associated with the US government, and 100% of which points to Muslims in Leeds.

Since you cling to your conspiracy theory that you lept at on day one and you cling to it in the teeth of all the emerging facts, this proves you are an irrational nutter, and thus disqualify yourself from any serious discussion.
theo it was a theory, not a fact & whatever the outcome let's just be glad that the nutters who are behind this atrocity are brought to justice.
If you think that M23 is an "irrational nutter" then why do you spend so much of your waking hours on him, do you dream of him too? I'm pleased that you have accepted that none of your posts to him have been a "serious discussion"
well done.



> The reason you're a deranged fever-swamp lefty is because on the DAY of
> the London bombing you declared it a CIA orchestrated attack, and ever
> since then you've been trying to assemble little tidbits to support this,
> while ignoring the masses of information the British investigation is
> uncovering, zero of which points to the CIA or anyone associated with the
> US government, and 100% of which points to Muslims in Leeds.

> Since you cling to your conspiracy theory that you lept at on day one and
> you cling to it in the teeth of all the emerging facts, this proves you
> are an irrational nutter, and thus disqualify yourself from any serious
> discussion.
> The reason you're a deranged fever-swamp lefty is because on the DAY of
> the London bombing you declared it a CIA orchestrated attack, and ever
> since then you've been trying to assemble little tidbits to support this,
> while ignoring the masses of information the British investigation is
> uncovering, zero of which points to the CIA or anyone associated with the
> US government, and 100% of which points to Muslims in Leeds.

> Since you cling to your conspiracy theory that you lept at on day one and
> you cling to it in the teeth of all the emerging facts, this proves you
> are an irrational nutter, and thus disqualify yourself from any serious
> discussion.

Translation: You should admit being wrong now that you know you were wrong.

It points to a lack of intelligence when you cling to a belief for which all evidence points against. And it points to a lack of morality when you cling to a belief for which there all evidence points against when the issue in question is who committed a horrific atrocity on innocent civilians.

Your extreme anti-Americanism may be similar to a religious faith. You cannot digest any information that doesn't conform to your deeply held faith that America is the root of all evil and is orchestrating every bad event that takes place on earth. This hasn't merely caused you to be wrong on just this event. It has caused years of your postings to be wrong in a rather scummy way. You're in need of a de-programming, and the fever-swamp around here needs to be drained.
was that aimed at me? Or are you that daft you can not think anything through & post just one reply at a time you need at least two goes!
If it was aimed in my direction...
For the record I am not anti-American, I'm anti some americans but equally I am anti some britons but I don't just stop in the West, there's people of most nations I detest (that wasn't mean to start me off as a poet btw).
Re the 'swamp thing' (heehee), you are the utmost 'swamper' of this site with your delusional ill-informed 'cut n paste' techniques, I hate to have to tell you this oaf/reptile/theo but I doubt anyone actually gets to the bottom of your 'plagiarized' posts? I think people here would take you a tad more serious (though they'd need quite some convincing as you've a lot of ground to make up) if you for once posted your own thoughts & opinions on any given subject!
If you think that either I or M23 is 'scum' then why not cease replying to all those "years of your postings"? Just a small piece of advice.
I do recall that in the interest (dis-interest) of the Moz-solo board that we take these discussions out of this arena into the more private & solitary world of the email. (you may not of noticed but my email address is included in every one of my posts). Unfortunately you have not taken up that opportunity, therefore it is obvious that your limited pleasure (possibly besides masturbation) is the attention you create & we give to you on this board but if it means one less nutter on our streets then I'm glad to be of service.



> Translation: You should admit being wrong now that you know you were
> wrong.

> It points to a lack of intelligence when you cling to a belief for which
> all evidence points against. And it points to a lack of morality when you
> cling to a belief for which there all evidence points against when the
> issue in question is who committed a horrific atrocity on innocent
> civilians.

> Your extreme anti-Americanism may be similar to a religious faith. You
> cannot digest any information that doesn't conform to your deeply held
> faith that America is the root of all evil and is orchestrating every bad
> event that takes place on earth. This hasn't merely caused you to be wrong
> on just this event. It has caused years of your postings to be wrong in a
> rather scummy way. You're in need of a de-programming, and the fever-swamp
> around here needs to be drained.
> theo it was a theory, not a fact & whatever the outcome let's just be
> glad that the nutters who are behind this atrocity are brought to justice.

It was a theory he took seriously enough to have assembled 500 links to try and support. After a week of real evidence, he does the same thing with a new pile of links. His original message also suggested (with more silly links and tidbits left to the reader to assemble) that 9/11 and the Madrid bombings were done by America.

There are all kinds of materials that prove beyond all doubt who did 9/11. It's easy for someone to get up to speed on NORAD and all that shit in any library. Someone who doesn't, but who DOES spend so many hours researching on kooked-out web sites so he can find bullshit to try and encourage others to think the enemy is fake, that Bush is behind the terror attacks, and that America is the real enemy of the world, is someone who's not just a joker with a little theory he'll throw out there for the hell of it. There's nothing innocent about it. It offends me. It's been going on here for years. It makes me wanna annoy the whole web site.

> If you think that M23 is an "irrational nutter" then why do you
> spend so much of your waking hours on him, do you dream of him too? I'm
> pleased that you have accepted that none of your posts to him have been a
> "serious discussion"
> well done.

I find it cathartic, I bang most of my messages out quickly since I've heard it all before, and I will always attack bad faith propaganda against America, partticularly when it comes to 9/11. Thus, M23 should probably limit his attacks on America to legitimate and truthful ones if he doesn't want to see my replies. Seems simple to me.
Re: Cut and Paste

> was that aimed at me? Or are you that daft you can not think anything
> through & post just one reply at a time you need at least two goes!
> If it was aimed in my direction...
> For the record I am not anti-American, I'm anti some americans but equally
> I am anti some britons but I don't just stop in the West, there's people
> of most nations I detest (that wasn't mean to start me off as a poet btw).
> Re the 'swamp thing' (heehee), you are the utmost 'swamper' of this site
> with your delusional ill-informed 'cut n paste' techniques, I hate to have
> to tell you this oaf/reptile/theo but I doubt anyone actually gets to the
> bottom of your 'plagiarized' posts? I think people here would take you a
> tad more serious (though they'd need quite some convincing as you've a lot
> of ground to make up) if you for once posted your own thoughts &
> opinions on any given subject!
> If you think that either I or M23 is 'scum' then why not cease replying to
> all those "years of your postings"? Just a small piece of
> advice.
> I do recall that in the interest (dis-interest) of the Moz-solo board that
> we take these discussions out of this arena into the more private &
> solitary world of the email. (you may not of noticed but my email address
> is included in every one of my posts). Unfortunately you have not taken up
> that opportunity, therefore it is obvious that your limited pleasure
> (possibly besides masturbation) is the attention you create & we give
> to you on this board but if it means one less nutter on our streets then
> I'm glad to be of service.

> love

> Grim
What some people don’t realize is that when you educated at a higher level you have to support your claims with something called evidence and you have to name sources why you came to that conclusion.When you are in college yes you can make comments like “the CIA was involved with the London bombing” or “Bush is the worst President ever”. But unless you have your PhD in Political Science you better have some sources to back up your claim. If these kind of personal attacks or unsupported statements were made in a classroom as the ones above they would earn you a failing grade. On the other hand, there are some people whose debate tactics include bullying,name calling, and blaming others for their own actions. I'm not saying one debate tactic is better than another , but personally since I had to name sources for 6 years(well maybe not as a freshman)I understand why Theo is using cut and paste.
> was that aimed at me?


> For the record I am not anti-American, I'm anti some americans but equally
> I am anti some britons but I don't just stop in the West, there's people
> of most nations I detest (that wasn't mean to start me off as a poet btw).

> Re the 'swamp thing' (heehee), you are the utmost 'swamper' of this site
> with your delusional ill-informed 'cut n paste' techniques,

I guess you prefer M23's cut and paste technique, which is to list 50 links and say "See, I've proven that Bush did 9/11!" LOL! Silly people. I did love that cut and paste you did some weeks ago, too, which was an article suggesting that the attacks on Galloway come from a Jewish lobby. That was a good one, Grim!

Below is more of the typical stuff. However "ill-informed" I am, your approval towards the person posting that Bush was the mastermind behind the 9/11,Madrid, and London terror attacks kinda makes me think there's a couple boneheads far more ill-informed than I around here. Somehow those boneheads haven't figured out you can't believe everything you read on the Internet just because it would fit nicely with your worldview. I've only ever claimed to be of average intelligence, yet somehow I know that al Qaeda did 9/11. People who say it was someone else? Them's fighting words.

>I hate to have
> to tell you this oaf/reptile/theo but I doubt anyone actually gets to the
> bottom of your 'plagiarized' posts? I think people here would take you a
> tad more serious (though they'd need quite some convincing as you've a lot
> of ground to make up) if you for once posted your own thoughts &
> opinions on any given subject!
> If you think that either I or M23 is 'scum' then why not cease replying to
> all those "years of your postings"? Just a small piece of
> advice.
> I do recall that in the interest (dis-interest) of the Moz-solo board that
> we take these discussions out of this arena into the more private &
> solitary world of the email. (you may not of noticed but my email address
> is included in every one of my posts). Unfortunately you have not taken up
> that opportunity, therefore it is obvious that your limited pleasure
> (possibly besides masturbation) is the attention you create & we give
> to you on this board but if it means one less nutter on our streets then
> I'm glad to be of service.

> love

> Grim
s'funny, only last week your claim was that as one above 'ordinary people' now you are back with us, well done. I see you took my advice (though you still need a few more lessons) you've managed to see that 50 does not equate to 500 as you spouted, well done again.



> No.

> I guess you prefer M23's cut and paste technique, which is to list 50
> links and say "See, I've proven that Bush did 9/11!" LOL! Silly
> people. I did love that cut and paste you did some weeks ago, too, which
> was an article suggesting that the attacks on Galloway come from a Jewish
> lobby. That was a good one, Grim!

> Below is more of the typical stuff. However "ill-informed" I am,
> your approval towards the person posting that Bush was the mastermind
> behind the 9/11,Madrid, and London terror attacks kinda makes me think
> there's a couple boneheads far more ill-informed than I around here.
> Somehow those boneheads haven't figured out you can't believe everything
> you read on the Internet just because it would fit nicely with your
> worldview. I've only ever claimed to be of average intelligence, yet
> somehow I know that al Qaeda did 9/11. People who say it was someone else?
> Them's fighting words.
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