To the Non-Swing States:

  • Thread starter Morrissey the 23rd
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Morrissey the 23rd

Stop listening to how your vote doesn't count in this election and that your state is already decided for Kerry or Bush. It is critical that you vote because we not only need to give Kerry the electoral win, but he needs to have a HUGE mandate with an ENORMOUS popular vote victory as well. It will be impossible for him to get anything done for four years if there is no clear mandate. We must not only defeat Bush, we must put a stake in the heart of the right-wing, neo-con movement. If you live in New York, California, Illinois, Texas, the Northeast or the Deep South, you need to vote and you need to bring ten people with you to the polls. If you live in a state where we have the chance to elect the Democrat to the Senate or the House, you need to vote. Turn off the TV. Quit listening to news media that has a vested interest in repeating to you over and over that your vote does not count. It does.

If you have friends or relatives who live in the 30-plus non-swing states, call them and remind them how important it is that Kerry gets a massive popular vote victory
> Stop listening to how your vote doesn't count in this election and that
> your state is already decided for Kerry or Bush. It is critical that you
> vote because we not only need to give Kerry the electoral win, but he
> needs to have a HUGE mandate with an ENORMOUS popular vote victory as
> well. It will be impossible for him to get anything done for four years if
> there is no clear mandate. We must not only defeat Bush, we must put a
> stake in the heart of the right-wing, neo-con movement. If you live in New
> York, California, Illinois, Texas, the Northeast or the Deep South, you
> need to vote and you need to bring ten people with you to the polls. If
> you live in a state where we have the chance to elect the Democrat to the
> Senate or the House, you need to vote. Turn off the TV. Quit listening to
> news media that has a vested interest in repeating to you over and over
> that your vote does not count. It does.

> If you have friends or relatives who live in the 30-plus non-swing states,
> call them and remind them how important it is that Kerry gets a massive
> popular vote victory

LOL! A Kerry victory doesn't put a stake into anything. If Kerry wins (which I believe he is likely to), we'll just hold him to his campaign promise on foreign policy, and when you wipe out all the B.S. about supposedly getting French troops involved, his promised plan is the same as Bush's. If he has other intentions, "secret plans" he says he'll reveal "after the election," he'll have a rude awakening if he attempts to implement them. Kerry, like Slick Willy before him, is an almost entirely poll-driven "leader," and this is why his various positions are so incoherent. My reading of the polls says that half of Kerry's votes will come from people who want to finish the job in Iraq and continue kicking terrorist ass. Why, Kerry even started using the Republican PArty Reptile's language on Friday, referring to our enemies as "barbarians." I remember being called awful things for using that word by the very people on this board who will tomorrow vote for a candidate who used the same language to win the election.

The reason Bush is the better choice in the election is because Bush won't turn into a pussy when the going gets politically tough. So, if Kerry wins, the job of those who support the war will be to ensure that finishing the job overseas will not get too politically difficult for the backbone-deprived, flip-flopping, unprincipled John Kerry. Why, it may even be a unifying thing for the nation? When the poll-driven Kerry meets with his pollsters in the White House, if he's elected and sworn in, the first thing they'll tell him is that the way to have a successful start to his term will be to kick the Michael Moron wing back to the fringe and set foreign policy from the center.

The other reason Bush is the better choice on foreign policy is because America's enemies will, for the short-term, feel encouraged and feel they will have bought themselves time to regroup. One need only read Bin Laden's speech to know this to be true. I think it's dangerous and stupid to give the enemy this encouragement. However, in the long-run, I'm hopeful that Kerry would severely disappoint our enemies, both foreign and domestic.

Just as I proudly reject the lock-step mentality of the "liberal elite," I also reject the mentality prevalent in both parties that if the other guy wins the world will go to hell. Republican Party Reptile's are more level-headed than that. The worst things said about both candidates happen to be nothing more than feverish irrationality from the unhinged wings of the electorate.
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