
look, tell your psychiatrist to shove his Zoloft pills through his urethra!!! most of you are pathetic losers that feel sorry for your selves, and expect some great reward of love to occur (was that some unconscious depeche mode line lingering in my brain).

what y'all should do is get a gym pass, workout 4-5 times a week, incorporating at least 60% of your time to cardiovascular, 10% sit-ups, and 30% free-weights. begin a healthy diet, cutting out fried food, ice cream, and desserts. for advance enthusiests, maybe meditate about 20 min./day.

if you were to do this now, you will see a dramatic effect within 4 weeks. you will feel more powerful, more confident, and Morrissey will just be a faded dream. why??? you'll be attracting more boys and girls, and you will enjoy life for the first time.

how do i know this???

i was once like you...
who are you?Richard Simmons in disguise? do you hang around those fat people that are so fat when they wear red kids start screaming hey koolaid?.Thanks for the fitness tip there arnold.I can see your nutsack is bigger than your brain,but that's what I expected.Do yourself a favor @#!!!stick,don't give anymore advice.On second thought,I have some advice for you.Pull your head all the way over your ass,lick it,(tastes like turds,Yummy!)then,beat yourself stupid with a frying pan,take two dicks in the mouth and call me in the morning.
you know what...

> who are you?Richard Simmons in disguise? do you hang around
> those fat people that are so fat when they wear red kids start
> screaming hey koolaid?.Thanks for the fitness tip there arnold.I
> can see your nutsack is bigger than your brain,but that's what I
> expected.Do yourself a favor @#!!! stick,don't give anymore
> advice.On second thought,I have some advice for you.Pull your
> head all the way over your ass,lick it,(tastes like
> turds,Yummy!)then,beat yourself stupid with a frying pan,take
> two dicks in the mouth and call me in the morning.

go suck a're patheitc, Greasetea!!! i recommend you cancel your subscriptions to and start doing the real thing. i live what only you could barely imagine.
>Thanks for the fitness tip there arnold. I can see your nutsack is bigger than your brain

When guys get on steroids their dicks and nuts shrivel up to nothing. I bet Richard Simmon's little brother here has a really little one!!
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