The Moz/Smiths Top 100, Part 87: (I'M) THE END OF THE FAMILY LINE

How do you rate (I'm) The End Of The Family Line?

  • Total voters
10 10 10

Touching, haunting and beautiful. Not to mention personal.

Anyone else here the potential END of their family line?

Yes..and really not in a rush to remedy that...time will tell. :rolleyes:

[this song has half the votes as 'I wont share you'...and their are multiple
examples of different votes, i wonder how come...and does if affect the
average rating of a song?...] [yes i think]

so do yer job, its only a few clicks
Only a 6/10 seeing as he is fibbing. He has nephews and 1st cousins.​
Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah... I like the lyrics, but like most of Kill Uncle, the music is barely there. I give it a 6.
TEN!! I missed voting on this for some reason (thanks vic for bringing it up =o) I LOVE this song -his lyrics and the music so achingly beautiful. I loop it 3-4 times every time I hear it. This is a song that just 'does it' for me. I'm glad you agree! Viva Kill Uncle!!!!!!
TEN!! I missed voting on this for some reason (thanks vic for bringing it up =o) I LOVE this song -his lyrics and the music so achingly beautiful. I loop it 3-4 times every time I hear it. This is a song that just 'does it' for me. I'm glad you agree! Viva Kill Uncle!!!!!!

I find this happens quite often with me, songs I never listen to pop up on shuffle and I go ooo well I will just listen once, then listen several times.
This has been once such song. :)
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