The Drivel Thread

Nearly finished Morrissey In London
So much for my claim that I wouldn't post for a week except poetry and painting. I'm not optimistic that I will make it to the November art show. I'll be surprised if I heal from what that medical technician did to me. I'll give it another dozen days, but it's not looking or feeling promising. I suspect it's cancer and is already metastasizing. I hope I'm wrong.
I wouldn't say she's extroverted and expressive. She's direct in quotidian situations and conversation, but reserved when it comes to expressing emotions—which is part of what makes her so likeable because I find gooey, emotionally forward people rather unsettling. And when she does get emotional, it's usually a coiled impatience & contempt at the stupidity of randoms, peace be upon her. But emotional reserve sure doesn't help in terms of romantic signs, because even if she wanted to give me signs, I don't know what they'd be, or whether those signs would be overt or coy. I think what's happened here is that in my desperate yearning for signs, I had to find them in the most subtle and inconspicuous things where they (almost certainly) aren't. Thank you for putting in the consideration, but I don't think we need to discuss Jacinta anymore. Airing it has brought my folly into view. You're absolutely right about this: principles are a luxury I can't afford. But that's also because it's rare that anyone appeals to me like Jacinta does.
and she's mexican you say but she's not expressive? she doesnt sound like a mexican at all! mexicans are usually all over the shop with their emotions!
you didnt answer me if she's someone you work with or whether she has (young) kids or not? okay we dont have to talk about it anymore if you dont want but ive come to the conclusion that if you dont work with her and she doesnt have young kids you should go for it. i mean, you're not getting any younger here, audrey, and if what you've been doing so far hasnt been working, you need to go out on a limb and do something different. there's nothing shameful in finding someone attractive. there's nothing shameful in wanting some happiness for yourself. i do think theres something wrong with the attitude some people have where they think they deserve happiness or they deserve to have someone in their life because of this or that that they've done or this or that that they've suffered. but i also think there's something equally wrong with thinking you dont deserve it and you're just hopeless and the universe is against you being happy. the proper attitude is to look around and to see that if other people, many total schmucks among them, can have fulfilling relationships why shouldnt you? and even if she rejects you, to follow your heart and to have made an attempt is a noble thing (unless of course she has young kids or you work with her in which case it would be totally lacking in class, and the socially inept can not afford to be lacking in class). here's a tip though: dont be wishy-washy. what women find attractive more than anything is not the man himself, but to be desired by the man. so if you desire her, you should let her know, not pretend like it's whatever either way.
Mention of a feeding was probably my cat. She has FeLV, which compromises her immune system. Because of this, she has stomatitis, a persistent gum infection, and on days when it's particularly bad, she can't chew and needs to be fed with a syringe. My mother can eat on her own, she just can't cook without someone around to vigilantly check in on the process, otherwise she'll put something on a burner, and two minutes later she'll completely forget all about it. There were a lot of burnt pans and boiled-over pots during the learning curve.
it sounds like you've got a lot on your plate between your mom and your cat. even a houseplant would be too much for me to look after! arent you worried your mom will burn down your house?
I feel for you Aud. I have similar issues.

I don't know if I was ever in the friend-zone, or in the friendly acquaintance zone, but I was in the quarantined pet zone once, and I guarantee that's no fun at all.
I’m enjoying a break from pain and itching of the sore on my chest, and my lungs feel okay right now too, but visibly I’m pretty sure I’ve noticed signs of an already metastasized skin cancer. It’s not visible to the camera yet. The seedling sores. There are three of them. I’m going to talk to my counsellor on Thursday morning via Zoom, about writing that novel before I die, about a female assassin who targets sadists. So far I’ve only squeezed out one paragraph, and it’s bland.
It’s going to cost me about $130 for about an hour with her, but she’s darned good.
I’ll tell you Morrissey, if you had sung out my name before I opened that mold dust filled French press, I think my self preservation would have kicked in and I would have held my breath. I know you have always done your best though, just I have, "in my own sick way”, so I forgive you for taking so long to do it. I’m ‘crazy’ about you.
I won't post Madonna's Crazy For You. I'll post a crazy for you pose. "Strike a pose. Vogue"
and she's mexican you say but she's not expressive? she doesnt sound like a mexican at all! mexicans are usually all over the shop with their emotions!
you didnt answer me if she's someone you work with or whether she has (young) kids or not? okay we dont have to talk about it anymore if you dont want but ive come to the conclusion that if you dont work with her and she doesnt have young kids you should go for it. i mean, you're not getting any younger here, audrey, and if what you've been doing so far hasnt been working, you need to go out on a limb and do something different. there's nothing shameful in finding someone attractive. there's nothing shameful in wanting some happiness for yourself. i do think theres something wrong with the attitude some people have where they think they deserve happiness or they deserve to have someone in their life because of this or that that they've done or this or that that they've suffered. but i also think there's something equally wrong with thinking you dont deserve it and you're just hopeless and the universe is against you being happy. the proper attitude is to look around and to see that if other people, many total schmucks among them, can have fulfilling relationships why shouldnt you? and even if she rejects you, to follow your heart and to have made an attempt is a noble thing (unless of course she has young kids or you work with her in which case it would be totally lacking in class, and the socially inept can not afford to be lacking in class). here's a tip though: dont be wishy-washy. what women find attractive more than anything is not the man himself, but to be desired by the man. so if you desire her, you should let her know, not pretend like it's whatever either way.

Jacinta is not Mexican. Sorry for the confusion: I only used Mexican hypothetically, as an example for why I don’t see how her nationality could possibly be relevant to the discussion. Jacinta is from an Asian country that was formerly under the domain of France, so maybe she should be "Jacinthe." She doesn’t have young children but we do work together. Don’t worry, though, I don’t think I’ll be pursuing this. It’s too fraught and complicated, and really all I wanted was a brief quiet affair in D.C. (if a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, does it make a sound?). Not because that’s the extent of how much I care for her, but because I don’t want to cause a total upheaval of either one of our lives. We both have important obligations to others.

I agree with you that no one deserves happiness, because the universe (unfortunately) doesn’t operate on a merit system. It’s nice on the rare occasions when happiness does surprisingly intrude, though. I don’t think I agree on the "don’t be wishy-washy, do X and Z because women like X and Z." That sounds a bit too Jordan Peterson/self-help-ish for me. I do think people should make minor personality adjustments when it comes to ordinary politeness and courtesy, but in romance I think a person should not compromise their personality. "You should not go to them | let them come to you." And if they don't, then a person should be content with "life is never kind."

arent you worried your mom will burn down your house?

All the time. One reason I might not even go to D.C. at all is because she needs round-the-clock supervision. I'm hoping to enlist a relative to come stay with her for the several days.
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Your posting of five million selfies has finally paid off, Light Housework. This is awesome. You should crop it to a wide shot of the middle third.
Glad to have made you smile. I got a laugh from Baz, which inspired me to get playful. I swear, I had wanted to take a selfie for my mental health workers, with Morrissey, with my tongue stuck out, and then Shirley Manson actually did it. I was jealous and proud of her at the same time.
I agree with you that no one deserves happiness, because the universe (unfortunately) doesn’t operate on a merit system. It’s nice on the rare occasions when happiness does surprisingly intrude, though. I don’t think I agree on the "don’t be wishy-washy, do X and Z because women like X and Z." That sounds a bit too Jordan Peterson/self-help-ish for me. I do think people should make minor personality adjustments when it comes to ordinary politeness and courtesy, but in romance I think a person should not compromise their personality. "You should not go to them | let them come to you." And if they don't, then a person should be content with "life is never kind."
anxiety bloody awful poetry testing the waters trying to feel good in your own skin trying to make friends wanting to alleviate anxiety wanting to feel safe to be honest wanting to have integrity
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