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New Morrissey Record Announced
by Benjamin Friedland | 02.26.2004

Morrissey announced officially yesterday that he will release You Are the Quarry on May 18. Quarry marks the songsmith's eighth solo album, the first in seven years. Produced by Blink 182 and Green Day producer, Jerry Finn, the record promises to be sunnier than his past records.

"There are no links to the past," said the former Smiths frontman. "This is a much brighter sounding album, than much of my previous work. We've turned the page with Quarry. It's a dynamic album and I couldn't be any happier."

Although rumors continue to swirl, there has been no official word about a track listing or an upcoming tour. Morrissey did add this, though:

"I wanted a louder sound for this record," he said. "I was introduced to Jerry by a mutual friend. He made me feel very confident. He's not easily pleased and he's not prepared to be overwrought. He knows exactly what he wants to do. He was able to help me create the sound for this album that I had already been hearing in my head."

Your Are the Quarry will be released on Attack records.

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