Swords Cover Art?


Yeah this is pretty bad. Aside from it not being a flattering photo (which is really Morrissey's problem not ours) it's just plain boring. Whatever happened to a little bit of fun and intelligence in the artwork? Even the Quarry sleeves look like masterpieces compared to this. It worries me that Morrissey is getting so complacent about something he used to care about so much and I can't help but think this lack of effort is starting to show in other parts of his output.

wise words but I think it's just Moz making a point about how he feels these days.
which is extremely pissed off.
with the NME, with the British music press, with radio stations, with the legal system (zzz), with pretty much everyone.
I was just coming here to post this; beaten as always by Joe Frady - even with my own info! :(

Given that the pic that Antony accidentally showed was from the same session as the one now being touted as the cover I believe that this is real cover.

The shot of Moz leaning towards the camera, arm draped over a branch was Antony's favoured shot but not Moz's by all accounts.

I don't know what to think - I don't particuarly like this cover - esp. as there has been some stunning shots of 2009 Moz that could have been used - I'm thinking of the Coachaella shot of him looking ike he's gonna do a murder.

This one.....it looks like he's just trumped.

Anyway, I'm hoping that this leak - if true - doesn't lead to further dispute between NoAllegiances and Camp Moz - after the edit of Antony's site last time I had the feeling that control freak Moz was unhappy. Time will tell.
All apologies GC, I just happened to be checking Lui's twitter the minute after he posted. It's your collar.
It looks like he's escaped from Wentworth Detention Centre. And paused by a tree to let one go...
I emailed the seller on ebay. He didn't answer my question directly, but said he used stock images from the record company when the product isn't physically available.

So I'm assuming this isn't a shot of the actual product (good), but that the image was provided by the record company (bad).

'Stock image' does imply a kind of placeholder, though.

So, there's hope. I think.

We have to trust Mr Lui. He hasn't let us down so far. I really can't imagine him using that typeface. It's a bloody horror show.
I hope this is not the artwork... is dreadful... The tracklist though is pretty good... I'll buy it... but please, change that cover... is just wrong...
I emailed the seller on ebay. He didn't answer my question directly, but said he used stock images from the record company when the product isn't physically available.

So I'm assuming this isn't a shot of the actual product (good), but that the image was provided by the record company (bad).

'Stock image' does imply a kind of placeholder, though.

So, there's hope. I think.

We have to trust Mr Lui. He hasn't let us down so far. I really can't imagine him using that typeface. It's a bloody horror show.

the typeface is the least of our concerns!
All apologies GC, I just happened to be checking Lui's twitter the minute after he posted. It's your collar.
It looks like he's escaped from Wentworth Detention Centre. And paused by a tree to let one go...

No worries Joe - all's fair in the quest for Moz scoops!:thumb:
Actually, I think it looks pretty great. I like it a million times better than that horrible YOF cover.
so how many ejits are gonna buy this ebay one at the inflated price, then wait 6 weeks for it?
all sounds a bit dodgy to me, what hes doing is illegal so i suspect they arent even real copies.
hmmmm :confused:
I doubt very much this is the final cover for the CD. This particular eBay seller tends to list things early for pre-order. Not that it is the seller's fault - I have bought stuff from this seller and it has always been OK.

Surely the record company has a bit of sense not to put this photo on the cover of "Swords" - which is a very fine compilation of B-sides indeed.

Here's hoping....because this would be the most unattractive Morrissey cover ever.
I doubt this is real - surely they would use the recent typeface for 'MORRISSEY' seen on 'YOR', 'Paris' and 'Skull' ?
I was out for only three days and many things happened here - I see.

If it's the real cover designed to Swords I'll buy it. I hope that inner shots are as lovely as the cover. As I see it's not corfirmed, well, let's wait once again.
Actually, the Swords cover art is growing on me.

It's much less contrived than the YOR cover, and I think that's what I like about it.

I like how's he's got that nature thing goin' on.

It makes me think about how much I'd love to meet him out in the woods sometime. :guitar:
Actually, the Swords cover art is growing on me.

It's much less contrived than the YOR cover, and I think that's what I like about it.

I like how's he's got that nature thing goin' on.

It makes me think about how much I'd love to meet him out in the woods sometime. :guitar:

yeah but THAT bit of wood liooks like its just been through a forest fire.. :(
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