
I'm so sorry, Mike for you loss.
Not sure if it is any consolation, but I've been there(in your friend's place), but survived.
From experience, I can say that the act itself is not something JUST thought of at the spur of the moment. It's not a momentary thought/act. Nor is it usually an act done to hurt others. It has been dwelled upon/obsessed about for years(half a lifetime or more in some cases).

If you REALLY want to understand, then just know that he is in the place that gave him the most comfort/escape from his pain. Just know that your good friend suffers no more. He deserves that much. He had thought about THIS MANY MANY times. He probably tried it more times than you'd ever know. He saw the pros and the cons of him staying here and the pros lost out. Probably almost as simple as that.

I've known more than one person in the last 2 years who have killed themselves and my comfort is knowing that they are FINALLY(after all those years) at peace. I absolutely fall apart emotinally(in tears, hysterical) at the wakes of my friends, but I know that they are at peace. Sometimes life IS unbearable. Some people have good coping skills, some do not.
Some people can handle this life, others are better suited for the next life. Your friend is no longer in pain. Focus on that. THAT should give you ALL the strenght you need to move on.
I don't mean to upset you, but there are MANY ways to look at the situation. Your friend was in pain, but is not any more. I'm sure he's happy. That should make you happy. I'm sure you know that as well, Mike.
I wish you and his family peace.

I know

> I am finally at a loss for words. My critics will like that.

> A great friend of mine, John O'Medelina, age twenty-seven,
> committed suicide Tuesday night with a self-inflicted gunshot to
> the chest. He was fat. He was gay. And his family hated him for
> it. He was also one of the most selfless, loving individuals on
> the planet. He dedicated his life to AIDS project, and nursing,
> in fact he had just completed his LPN and was working on his RN.
> He worked long hours in hospice and private care looking after
> the dying and making them more comfortable in their last days. I
> guess I just don't understand WHY after knowing the precious
> value of life, WHY would he take his own?
> Here's to you John: wherever you are, know that myself and so
> many people will always love you.
Who gives? he was fat and gay (mn)

> I am finally at a loss for words. My critics will like that.

> A great friend of mine, John O'Medelina, age twenty-seven,
> committed suicide Tuesday night with a self-inflicted gunshot to
> the chest. He was fat. He was gay. And his family hated him for
> it. He was also one of the most selfless, loving individuals on
> the planet. He dedicated his life to AIDS project, and nursing,
> in fact he had just completed his LPN and was working on his RN.
> He worked long hours in hospice and private care looking after
> the dying and making them more comfortable in their last days. I
> guess I just don't understand WHY after knowing the precious
> value of life, WHY would he take his own?
> Here's to you John: wherever you are, know that myself and so
> many people will always love you.
I pray for your friend.

> I am finally at a loss for words. My critics will like that.

> A great friend of mine, John O'Medelina, age twenty-seven,
> committed suicide Tuesday night with a self-inflicted gunshot to
> the chest. He was fat. He was gay. And his family hated him for
> it. He was also one of the most selfless, loving individuals on
> the planet. He dedicated his life to AIDS project, and nursing,
> in fact he had just completed his LPN and was working on his RN.
> He worked long hours in hospice and private care looking after
> the dying and making them more comfortable in their last days. I
> guess I just don't understand WHY after knowing the precious
> value of life, WHY would he take his own?
> Here's to you John: wherever you are, know that myself and so
> many people will always love you.

I put new photos in my site to you!!!
Re: Who gives? he was fat and gay (mn)

My point was not critical, it was just that his family hated these attributes and I just wanted to point out that even with all of John's GREAT aspects, his family could not accept him as he was. That's all....
Re: Who gives? he was fat and gay (mn)

I admire your sweetness and patiency, Mike.

> My point was not critical, it was just that his family hated
> these attributes and I just wanted to point out that even with
> all of John's GREAT aspects, his family could not accept him as
> he was. That's all....

A gift to Cili
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