Steven and Peter up a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G

Re: what in the eighties you mean or now?

In the 80s. They were at least friends for a while. Did this . Morrissey assures that this interview was altered, though, to depict them as two old queens.
My favourite (non-romantic) Morrissey-Pete Burns anecdote {No Fur Content}

> In the 80s. They were at least friends for a while. Did this
> . Morrissey assures that
> this interview was altered, though, to depict them as two old queens.

From an interview Pete did with Boy George on LGB Radio in 2003 ( )

BG: Don't deny or confirm, but there's this fantastic story. I heard this great story that you apparently dug up Sinead O'Conner's garden in the middle of the night, which probably isn't true (laughs)

PB: It isn't, but she did live opposite me and I will elaborate on one story here 'cos I, I think she is really quite nice. I don't know her ...

BG: Oh, she's a brilliant singer, I love her voice.

PB: I, I really don't know her, but she lived opposite me for a brief, erm, period of time and I was friends with Morrissey. He came to my house and, as you do, you say, "Sinead O'Conner lives over there". Well, Morrissey was a bit of, err, a trouble maker - I think he's funny, but he really did cause trouble - and on this one particular day I was going into hospital. I had a kidney stone which is, like, really painful, and I was just, I didn't know what it was - I thought I was having a baby. And I was leaving to get into this taxi to take me to the hospital and find out why I was in this pain, and Sinead O'Conner came running up the path with fists behind her back. And she's going [in an Irish accent], "You've got telescopes trained on my window and you're taking papparattzi photos of me!" And I, I just didn't know what the hell she was talking about. "Morrissey told me. Morrissey told me". And it was just Morrissey's way of having a laugh. That Pete Burns lives opposite you and he's watching you. Well, there wasn't anything that interesting to see cause she spent most of her time sitting on the door step sobbing in the morning. She was always crying. She was really having a hard time. Morrissey had done that and she'd gone off the deep end thinking I was watching her, but then, if I'm gonna really be serious, she had no curtains on her windows, and there was candles everywhere, and everybody looked through Sinead's window.

BG: Well, I certainly would of done if I'd lived next door (chuckles)

PB: Well, I couldn't be bothered but, you know, I did write her a very, erm, in detail letter about how the pressures of fame, and if she's listening to stuff like that she should get out now. But, no, I didn't dig up ... she didn't have a garden.
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