Sochi Olympics Thread


My secret's my enzyme.

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I'd like to nominate "Justine Dufour Lapointe" as the prettiest name in the olympics.

Goodnight and thank you.
How awesome was the guy from Japan in the men's short program? Seriously.
I'd like to nominate "Justine Dufour Lapointe" as the prettiest name in the olympics.

Plus, at the risk of being accused of heterosexual hate speech at the hi-jacked Sochi games, she's very not unattractive, and her two sisters are similarly quite not unattractive.
Bring on the Opening Ceremony Anomalies!!!! :cool: (The best part of pageantry is when they screw up. God is in the details.) I almost made plans to go to the movies tonight, what was I thinking??!!!?!?!?

I think the best part of the opening ceremonies was when they ran across the parking to get to the torch thing. Stay classy, Sochi.
So far this is the most stunning skate performance. And she puts the YOU in Julia. :D Seriously though, watch the spin at the end.

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Two dots.

Is snowboarding really a sport? They all look like they've been puffing away round the back of that huge screen at the top of the slope, and I watched half a dozen competitors during one event the other day and every single one of them landed on their arses.

Is the gold reserved for the one who can keep on their feet at all, or roll the best ciggy?
Is snowboarding really a sport? They all look like they've been puffing away round the back of that huge screen at the top of the slope, and I watched half a dozen competitors during one event the other day and every single one of them landed on their arses.

Is the gold reserved for the one who can keep on their feet at all, or roll the best ciggy?

Snowboarding is much like skateboarding. Both are sports which require great athleticism but are also subcultures with an ethos... a laid back, hang out, and party atmosphere. Thus the ciggy joke. And we know what kind of ciggy you meant Johnny.

Being a proud parent of very able skateboarder, I have an insider's take on this subculture. First off, these guys--and they are mostly guys--wake to skate. Same with snowboarders. They live and breath it. Dedicate every free moment to mastering their skills. They are not lazy or apathetic in the slightest. And make no mistake, both skateboarding and snowboarding take skills... strength, endurance, eye and hand coordination, agility, balance, precision, timing... all things found in other great athletes. Yes, boarders are athletes. Ever try balancing on a board? There is natural ability, no doubt. But it is also a sport because these guys and gals work hard to be great.

As far as the party ethos goes, I think it is partly what makes these subcultures so endearing. These guys stick together like brothers. Have each others' backs. Are more cooperative than competitive. But most of all they make it fun! That is why the US Olympic skateboarders hate Sean Wilson. Because although he has the skills of a master boarder, he lacks the ethos. He is a loner--an outlier in a sport which is more like a tribe. Plus he's too corporate and too serious about winning--at the expense of his friendships with other boarders. Perhaps this makes him the epitome of an athlete in the eyes of the sports world--an Olympic darling. But he has now been dethroned. The ethos wins--for now. Party on man. :rock:
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Hockey seems to be nonstop.
I like it, but I believe it would be more interesting if they were playing with the world's last Oreo.
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