Smiths/Morrissey Party Thursday Night, Valentine's Day, NYC

Time to commit suicide

Hey singles, let's all go and introduce ourselves. Is there anything more sad than listening to the Smiths/Moz on V-day? If love is not there at the end, then suicide maybe the option. Cheers!
Re: Time to commit suicide

> Hey singles, let's all go and introduce ourselves. Is there anything more
> sad than listening to the Smiths/Moz on V-day? If love is not there at the
> end, then suicide maybe the option. Cheers!

yea, i agree with you there, i was just listening to the smiths "there is a light that never goes out" and am getting bummed out....

Carlos, why do you still come here when you know it makes us all so ill. With your insipid prose and your deformed hideous face; you've contaminated these boards with your inane drivel. You are detested and cause intense vomiting at the sight of your name and dogs and cats jump under a speeding bus at the mere sight of you on the street. You serve no purpose here or in your own life you sad little tree swinging creature.
We all want you to stop leaving your dog crap (which is also your stench) on these boards. We all know your type and have had just about enough of you. And God knows the people in your "real" life find you equally useless so do everyone a favor and vanish into the night like the swamp like creature that you are. Your name suits you (Carlos) sounds as ugly as you look.
Hear this, there are spys among us. woohoo.
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