Rumors and Gossip are Dangerous!


Stil Breathing

For several years now the general theme of the board has been to bash Morissey in any way possible. Davidt condoned this when he permitted several individuals to post obscene messages to other posters and about Morrissey, and the tone became more abusive. Morrissey support died then. This board was all about Grease/Improper/Andy many numbers, and not focused on the reason this site is here. It might as well be titled "Dog-solo" for all the Morrissey content.

Many rumors have emerged about Morrissey on this board, but when Davidt posted them on the main board (as he has more often as the time goes by), he accepted an annoymous contributor's word as truth even as he labeled it as "rumor." The intent was to bash Morissey and further distance this site from any productive relationship. David knew what he was doing, and now this site is doomed. David has killed it - not Morrissey.

Let it die its own dishonorable death.

I've read and posted here for many years, and I still adore Morrissey. It has become increasingly painful to read the main board as well as this board.
Perhaps David T. is just trying to present a balanced view of Morrissey, warts and all.

He must feel a heavy pressure to only present material that's flattering to Morrissey, and I admire him for resisting that pressure.

I've learned so much since I started coming here. I really, really appreciate being given the whole picture. I don't like being shielded from the truth.

I think David is right to let the chips fall where they may. Unfortunately they've fallen this way. But...David's not the dysfunctional one.
ignorance is dangerous

> Perhaps David T. is just trying to present a balanced view of Morrissey,
> warts and all.

> He must feel a heavy pressure to only present material that's flattering
> to Morrissey, and I admire him for resisting that pressure.

> I've learned so much since I started coming here. I really, really
> appreciate being given the whole picture. I don't like being shielded from
> the truth.

> I think David is right to let the chips fall where they may. Unfortunately
> they've fallen this way. But...David's not the dysfunctional one.

i tend to agree, not everything morrissey is invloved with will turn up roses. to say otherwise is just plain stupid, almost every star of some sort has had an ugly moment or two during a career. lets face it, this isnt the first time the old boy has failed to "poney up" when it comes to cash. i appreciate being told the truth, being kept in the dark and given only one side, does not sit well with me or most other morrissey/smiths fans.
The truth is out there

The problem is, in this instance rumour turned out to be fact

And unfortunately the truth here, once again, is unpalatable to Morrissey

I note, having read the emails from his legal team, that three demands to remove the thread in its entirety, appear to have come and gone with no court order

I find it interesting that his lawyers refuse to point out which postings they are challenging and which are simply "confidential business information"

There has been plenty of time in the period between David receiving them and publishing them here to gain an order, IF one was justified, and have it enforced

In my opinion the simple fact that Morrissey has failed to obtain such an order just reinforces the truth of the allegations
Re: Do you listen to his music or his bank account?

> isnt the first time the old boy has failed to "poney up" when it
> comes to cash.

so ...
Stil Breathing, maybe you should stop.

Breathing, that is.
Re: anonymous?

> Breathing, that is.

Maybe you should post under something other than anonymous
Maybe you should suck on my other nut.
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