Rozzer Meets Mozzer



Radio 1 Newsbeat speaks to Martin on Meeting his Idol...14th July
Martin: "I'm still quite good friends with Alain Whyte who is a-hem (coughs)'s guitarist. He lives in Los Angeles with his girlfriend Blossom, he rang me up and said: "Hi, I'd really love to see you mate" and he brought him with him. He was large, actually, quite a big feller, that really surprised me. A bit like Tony Blair, he's really big, that surprised me when I met him. He was huge. Huge!! It really was quite exciting, I mean I bought his records, and it's always lovely to meet people who when you're 14 you'd listen to their records. And he was quite shy and I was quite shy, and beer was drunk…and that was about it. And we talked about…well I don't know what we talked about because I was pissed."

Rozzer Meets Mozzer
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