Pray for Realitybites

Are you 100% sure? Maybe it's Bicycle Tragedy. Maybe it's Dave. Maybe it's Nothappynotsad. Maybe it's Nugs. Maybe it's Cassius. Maybe it's a woman. Maybe it's a man. Maybe it's a hyena. Maybe it's Bindi Irwin. Maybe it's a Christian. Maybe it's a turtle. Maybe it's Christopher Hitchens risen from the dead stricken with grief that his idolizer is really f***ing dumb. Maybe you should be 100% sure based on zero evidence before you act like an asshole then just act cute until the problem goes away.

She apologised. That's the sign of a class act. Being the same Viva will accept it like the gentleman he is, I'm sure.
Everyone be super sweet to Jehne now that she's posted her pic. Don't do this:

I called you fat as you keep posting pics of clavicles and trying to shame me for being thin. It isn't working. You could not pay me enough to be your size. You are fat. And not f.i.t. You are disgusting--a real chub scout, without the scout part. Why do you think everyone is repulsed by your sex talk? Because you are the most unsexy person they have come across online. You are like a horny dog that humps pillows. You are vile. No one wanks to see your selfies. No one ever responds positively to you posting them. And yet, you continue to post them. Why? For attention? To make people ill? Makes no sense. We know what you look like. We don't need reminded every freaking week.

She's so sweet.
shit?I havnt been on this site for weeks, is this shite still going on? CG explain your self........
shit?I havnt been on this site for weeks, is this shite still going on? CG explain your self........

She's turned over a new leaf, being all sweet and innocent. She has a nasty judgemental past, I'm just saying let's not subject her to the same judgement on the members pic thread she's taken with others since she's so sweet and kind and intellectual and perky and pop culturally cute, GIRLFRIEND! :rolleyes:
You are a fat, ugly, pathetic excuse for a human being. You are also a hypocrite and a lying sack of shit. I threw out the olive branch. Even others noticed. And what do you do? Tell me I am a clavicle ridden, Charlie Rose with a dry vagina. Nice. You make me sick. Your sister is probably as stupid as you. No wonder you get along. And don't tell me about family pathology. Where were your mom and dad when you were 14 getting raped by a 45 year old man? My dad would have killed Evan. So would have my mom. Your parents failed you. No wonder you are one f***ed up individual.

She's so nice.
She's turned over a new leaf, being all sweet and innocent. She has a nasty judgemental past, I'm just saying let's not subject her to the same judgement on the members pic thread she's taken with others since she's so sweet and kind and intellectual and perky and pop culturally cute, GIRLFRIEND! :rolleyes:

Please just shut the f*** up!
Please just shut the f*** up!

She's so fun!

You are in denial if you think fat is good for you, or society. Curves are one thing. You have rolls. You have no shape, thus you are forced to wear mom jeans, sweatpants, and over-sized t-shirts. If you lost weight your boobies would shrink. You said if you had the money you would have a reduction. Boobs are fat. Go on a diet, girl! Shrink those puppies the all-natural way. Then get the excess skin trimmed later. Carrying those boulders around can't be doing your back any favors. And that rub-rash between your legs you get after walking around all day... no wonder you had to sit down and take a post-on-Solo break, when you were at the fattest place on earth. Fat is not fun.
And you're so ugly you scared off Steve!

I think maybe her ugly personality scared him off. It's one thing to pretend to be friendly and a good person, it's another thing to deliver. Ohhh dear, the bubble has popped.

Here's another sweet gem: :love:

Have you finished Moz's book yet? Read any of it, you super duper fat fake fan, you?
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