Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

I took my son to the midnight showing of The Avengers, which we just got back from a little bit ago. Predictably it was underwhelming, but as the last half hour approached, and the big battle was about to happen, the power cut out. It was a melee; it was pitch black except for idiots' cell phones.

So tomorrow I have to go turn our stubs in and get replacement passes; but we're not gonna sit through the whole crappy thing again. We'll just go back where we left off.
I bet you a dollar Mayweather wins.
God I don't want to go to work. I hate that feeling, as soon as I walk in. That soul-pulverizing compromise that is born of obligation. And the dull, mind-numbing labor. And the asinine conversations with co-workers, about their stupid lives.
God I don't want to go to work. I hate that feeling, as soon as I walk in. That soul-pulverizing compromise that is born of obligation. And the dull, mind-numbing labor. And the asinine conversations with co-workers, about their stupid lives.

Me too.

Sorry to hear you didn't get to watch The Avengers all the way through. That's just terrible. Did you get to watch it the ending? That's the best bit.
Let me know when your playing ..

Yes, if we're ever playing in Manchester then I shall let everyone know...when we get to that stage. Promotions have turned us down because we're simply not popular and our music isn't popular enough apparently! Oh well, who cares :D
Is it me or is Adam Ant overated? Apart from his singles and a few tracks off his second album with The Ants?
All I can hear on his debut is just one song being reused again and again.
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"Attention Barnes & Noble Moms, Dads and especially kids! It's ten thirty and you know what time that is...IT'S STORY TIME! So join me upstairs on the story time blanket for a reading of {insert book} and {insert book}. I'll see you up there!"

Every Saturday morning for eight years. :o I kind of miss it. I saw something that reminded me of that.
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I wonder if Pac Man is a Morrissey fan. :blushing: I hope so!
Sooooooooo tired.

The other day my sister was driving in the park and a man backed out real fast and hit her car and f***ed up her alignment. He said he couldn;t see because his neighbor's bush was too big. Looking at OUR yard we cocluded that the same thing could happen to our neighbor because our bushes were out of control, so my mom and I cut 'em down today. It was Rosegeddon.



After (with random bonus of neighbor going to walk his dog the minute I took the picture! :D) :


A little sad because there were some roses blooming, but the whole patch was a mess, tangled with a weed that got out of control and turned into a tree. Half the roots were rotted anyway, I was literally on the ground kicking them down and they'd just snap and fall from the base. And props to my 70-year-old mom who distributed every one of the limbs I cut down evenly into four seperate dumpsters. I'd get on the ground and cut the bush at the base and it would fall on me and get tangled in my hair and stuck on my shirt, and she'd drag them to the dumpster, one or two in each hand and heft them in. It was a chore but only took about an hour, we are BEAT though. It's beer thirty for sure now. :p
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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