Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

I want a hair pick for my fro.
Stupid headache, argh!
I just got an email from a friend that said "do not call me or go to target and come find me! I do not wish to talk to you anymore! I am done! You are dismissed!" :gun: WTF?? I have no what I did or may have said that really pissed her off. Actually I don't really care since she was annoying anyway, but I did reply asking what I did. Am curious though.
I feel so happy. :)

I feel like my Britney sig. I am the Karate Kid!
Bring on the Hamlet exam!!

Love PTxx.
Which has the worst after-effect: vodka or Red Bull?
I'm actually thinking the latter right now. What in the name of hell possessed me to buy four double vodkas at once, anyway? New rule: no more drinks than I have hands :straightface:

Red Bull.

I nearly died once after drinking seven cans.With four Espresso coffee chasers.....:D
Red Bull hangovers are the absolute worst type of hangover, I reckon.
I'm so disgustingly shaky and fragile today; right now I can feel my heart beating. I can't entirely blame the Red Bull for my rough state today, but it's definitely a contributing factor...

Oh no, I've already drank two cans in the past hour. :( Feel better soon!

'Lifeguard Sleeping, Girl Drowning' has mysteriously disappeared from my laptop. :tears:
I'm finding Murray on Flight of the Conchords strangely attractive :crazy:
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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