Plight of Thai elephants? Is it the most important plight?


Fox in the Snow

Well, Mozzer is up to his old PC tricks: he is defending Thai elephants from abuse... (Last info at this site) Worthy cause perhaps,

Yet, apparently he does not care much about say Thai heroin addicts or numerous Thai AIDS victims, who are mostly very poor "straight" addicts of both genders who got it from dirty needles...
Yet, apparently he does not care much about 25 cents/hour child labour at countries like Thailand or Indonesia or Phillippines...
In my priorities book, humans are coming first...

And, speaking about animals, what about Thai roosters plight? Thai peoples like so-called rooster fights, where birds' legs are being equipped with blades, and therefore "loser" is dead in 5-10 seconds... What about cruelty to Indian elephants?

Is Mozzer inconsistent here or I would rather say, his activism seems to me "spotty and childish" at best or insensitive to humans at worst ...

Opinions, please...
BTW, I would be glad if somebody would prove me wrong and Moz indeed cares by his past statements I don't know...
Tara, are you ready to argue? :)
Re: Oh gawd. Here we go!

Don't say you didn't ask for it Foxy! (you don't mind if I call you Foxy, do ya? lol )

I really think it's unrealistic and obsurd to expect one person to support every cause. There are so many flaws in this world. Disease, poverty, violence, etc. For Morrissey to dedicate himself to the rights of animals is very admirable. He has brought so much attention to this cause for many, many years. I'm a vegetarian today and I guaruntee that he had a big role in that.

Now, if everyone were to say "hey -- humans are more important than animals", does this mean that animals have no rights and nobody should stand up for them? If every single person were to take up human causes then what happens to the animals? We resort back to the days when it was thought that animals have no feelings and they're just hollow beings for us to take advantage of.

I think it's great that someone (mainly celebrities because they can reach more people), take up the plight of these poor elephants. Just the fact that we're discussing this right now goes to show that he's doing his job. Did a lot of people really know about this problem before now? Not likely. Regarding the Thai roosters or Indian elephants -- who knows? Maybe that's the next on the agenda. You can't bombard people with a million different causes all at once. They're bound to loose their credibility. I don't think PETA is saying that the Thai elephants have priority over all other animals, this is just one of their causes at the moment. Maybe you should right a letter to PETA expressing your concerns about these issues. It couldn't hurt.

Now, to say that Moz doesn't care about the Thai elephants in particular I think would be a false statement. We all know that he is an enormous animal lover and always has been. Did he think about the cause before PETA contacted him? Probably not, but I really don't think he'd be holding a press conference about it just to gain exposure for himself. I believe he has a really big heart and wants to contribute all he can. Maybe I'm naieve. If he was soley looking for exposure, you'd see him doing many television, radio and magazine interviews which he does not.

Okey dokey. I'll shut up now. LOL

PS Did you get my REALLY long message in that other thread Foxy? I left you a link to a website and I just want to make sure you got it.
Moz says:

"Humans can speak and other humans will protect other humans, but animals just seem to be left to drift all the time,"
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