Paul Auster on flawed artists



Just watched a very interesting Hardtalk interview from 2021 with Paul Auster. He died Tuesday of this week.

Stephen Sackur asks Paul Auster:

“Does it matter to you if you learn that the people that created that beauty were not just deeply flawed but possibly criminal. That they did things which any right thinking human being would think of as unacceptable.”

You have to hear Paul Auster’s reply:

@ 17:30

I agree with him 100%.
im not back to posting or anything but i was glad to see someone mention him in the condolence thread and couldnt pass up saying thank you for this. just got his book on stephen crane, titled burning boy, at the annual book fair on oxford day and its lovely. think the first thing i read of his was moon palace by random chance as i didnt know him or his work at all. nothing to add to the mountain of praise that everyone else has already said somewhere else but he will be missed. thanks again
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