Passions Just Like Mine RIP

Re: Passions Just Like Mine RIP

Or, like many of us recently, just started to lose interest cause of his holiness' shenanigans?

These were my thoughts as well.

With no word from Stephane its difficult to know, we're only guessing, but people move on, real life takes over, sh*t gets in the way. If his site was still working I'd be able to see whem Morrissey last visited Canada - it's hard to remain loyal if your hero never comes to town.

Re: Passions Just Like Mine RIP

Thank you everyone. As I can't answer everyone individually, I have put up a statement on "Passions Just Like Mine".

see you around,

A marvellous site, Stephane. Thanks for all that extraordinary effort. Have a well deserved rest and wow us with your next project which had better not be One Direction... ;-)
You bow out at the top... all the best for the future Stephane, those green pages will be missed!
Re: Passions Just Like Mine RIP

Your explanation is completely understandable. I can't even imagine how many hours your worked on this each week. I hope that some of the options you are considering will allow someone or a group of people to keep it up. I know an incomplete site will draw you back to it which you don't want, but I'm sure most people agree that a site that is more or less complete up through this point of Morrissey's career is a great resource to have.

Thank you everyone. As I can't answer everyone individually, I have put up a statement on "Passions Just Like Mine".

see you around,
Very sad news, it was an excellent site :(
But thanks a lot for everything, Stephane!!
And thanks for leaving the door open in your statement:
"I've already had offers to make "Passions Just Like Mine" commercial but I don't think I could ever get enough money for me to overlook what this would entail. I am considering other options I have received. I don't believe anyone could possibly take over the whole site as it is. Anyhow, I would not wish that upon them. Ideas/suggestions are still welcome."

For anyone interested, maybe it's useful to know that the domain name for expires on July 25, so it's up for renewal.
Just wanted to state that although this is sad news, I understand and respect Stephane's decision.

The site was a fantastic resource for any fan or collector. It will be badly missed. Thanks Stephane.

Re: Passions Just Like Mine RIP

I'm heartbroken, but I understand and appreciate the gargantuan effort that you've put into it over the years. From one Smiths obsessive to another, thank you.

I very much hope that you'll let the community continue your work in some shape or form. Don't make me scrape through Google's caches ;)
Re: Passions Just Like Mine RIP

Thank you everyone. As I can't answer everyone individually, I have put up a statement on "Passions Just Like Mine".

see you around,

PJLM was the best Morrissey/Smiths resource available online. I can't thank you enough for your hard work on it over the years, and for the hours of productivity I must have lost reading setlists and details of long past concerts: the backdrops, outro music, all those little pieces of minutiae that would be impossible to find elsewhere. You will definitely be missed!:tears:
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Please, let us dowload the site, i'm a collector and your site was the ONLY guide I had.
Re: Passions Just Like Mine RIP

I'm so sorry to see the site go down, but I appreciate Stephane's reasons. I'm very glad to hear that nothing is wrong, exactly, and that the content will not be lost, even if it's not accessible to us now.

Best of luck in future endeavors, Stephane!
Re: Passions Just Like Mine RIP

I'm in the process of slurping down all of the cached files to be hosted elsewhere. I hope that's ok.
Re: Passions Just Like Mine RIP

Passions goes, but this woefully inferior site remains? Tragedy.
Re: Passions Just Like Mine RIP

Thank you, Stephane! Good luck with your new projects. If they're as good as PJLM, your legend will only increase.

P.S. Flax, if you're reading this, consider this a plea for advance warning before you take any rash measures. :pray: :rolleyes:
Re: Passions Just Like Mine RIP

I'm in the process of slurping down all of the cached files to be hosted elsewhere. I hope that's ok.

There's no need to give yourself all that trouble. The site will resurface, perhaps under a different form, under the supervision of new parents. I can't let all those years of hard work just disappear.

Interesting suggestions have already been made, but I want to let the dust settle before taking the next step.

Re: Passions Just Like Mine RIP

Great to hear all that data will be hosted somewhere else.
I was about to check the Wayback Machine.

And I don't know why but I always thought the site was hosted somewhere in Europe. Whaddyaknow.

There's no need to give yourself all that trouble. The site will resurface, perhaps under a different form, under the supervision of new parents. I can't let all those years of hard work just disappear.

Interesting suggestions have already been made, but I want to let the dust settle before taking the next step.

Re: Passions Just Like Mine RIP

There's no need to give yourself all that trouble. The site will resurface, perhaps under a different form, under the supervision of new parents. I can't let all those years of hard work just disappear.

Interesting suggestions have already been made, but I want to let the dust settle before taking the next step.


Stephane: Thanks for all your work and for being open about why you are closing the site. One suggestion: Don't let the dust settle too long. I've seen many wonderful sites go down "temporarily" and then never resurface. Once you step away and enjoy the unfettered life, it'll be hard to come back, even just to package everything up. Best to get it all together, do something with it (please!) and then move on.

Best wishes!
Re: Passions Just Like Mine RIP

Stephane, wish you only the very best in your life and good luck with your projects!!! It does all make sense, it does.
Cheers Stephane
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