only one real problem with IBEH



the silly sound effect after the last verse- unnecessary and out of place. it juste sounds dumb. otherwise its great- coulda gone fora little more growling in the vocal but its great nonetheless. the lyric change is an improvement as well- who fookin cares if it doesnt rhyme perfectly? it makes much more sense having "partial" instead of "racial" [which didnt make sense at all really].

Respectfully disagree. The spaceship-like whoosh is very cool. I admit the first time I listened I thought "What the hell is that?".

On its own, it's from a cheesy bygone era, but I think it's great in the context of the song. Nobody would think to juxtapose an effect like that next to lyrics like Morrissey's -- which makes the song stand out even more.

I TOTALLY agree. The spaceship noise is HOT. It's like 'here's this intense song and we're just going to hit "turbo"'.
Pro-Whoosh (better than pro-Bush),

> Respectfully disagree. The spaceship-like whoosh is very cool. I admit the
> first time I listened I thought "What the hell is that?".

> On its own, it's from a cheesy bygone era, but I think it's great in the
> context of the song. Nobody would think to juxtapose an effect like that
> next to lyrics like Morrissey's -- which makes the song stand out even
> more.
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