NY Dolls..



I had no idea that Buster Pointexter, better known for his "Hot, Hot, Hot" song from the early 80's, was actually the lead singer for the NY Dolls. I saw it on VH1's '1-hit wonders' program a couple of days back. Just thought I'd share some pointless trivia with you all.

NY Dolls Vs Kiss

> I had no idea that Buster Pointexter, better known for his "Hot, Hot,
> Hot" song from the early 80's, was actually the lead singer for the
> NY Dolls. I saw it on VH1's '1-hit wonders' program a couple of days back.
> Just thought I'd share some pointless trivia with you all.

> Cheers.
More useless trivia: Buster's real name is: Jay(?) Johannsen, he was on vocals, other NY Dolls are bass(?) David Sylvain and guitarist Johnny Thunders (who had erratic solo career, was cult artist of sorts and died from H overdose at Louisiana motel at 198-something). I forgot the Dolls drummer name, sorry! (Murphy somethin'?) There is an excellent book about protopunk-ers called "England is Dreaming" about Iggy, Dolls and Pistols, check it out... BTW, all of them Dolls were straight guys, who realized that crossdressing and "f*****ry" is appealing for teenyboppers. In spite of this somehow pre-calculated formula shit... They were really good in capturing this teenage angst and sexual ambivalence, quest for glam and glitter etc... etc..., they were precursors of Kiss but better song-writing skills and sharper... Alas, commersially-wise Kiss did much better... BTW, I just found out recently that Kiss's Paul Stanley (enormously long tongue guy) is Israeli-born. ... I had LA Israeli boyfriend for a year, it was fun.... Kiss is fun too... but on the shallow side, like my ex-b-friend... I would better say ex-b-fiend... Kiss was very smart not to stay away from fag-rock too far, but not to embrace it as closely as Dolls did... They adopted more carnival-like then sexy costumes, fireworks, pyrotech effects and didn't try Doll's heroin chic appeal... Personally, I like Dolls more... American public obviously preferred Kiss... Not that NY-based Dolls were really marketed, they scared away music industry at 70s by their gender-bender ways... Tim Curry exploited in his Rocky Horror Picture Show this "Glen or Glenda" "boys will be girls tonite" goldmine a little bit later, alas Johannsen-Buster was too early for his time. Cheers
Re: NY Dolls Vs Kiss

Sylvain Sylvain was the guitarist, not to be confused with David Sylvain of the band japan
Re: NY Dolls Vs Kiss

> Sylvain Sylvain was the guitarist, not to be confused with David Sylvain
> of the band japan
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