Now Playing in Every Grocery Store in USA

where do you work i havent heard miusic in a super market for years

I work for Morrisons sadly, they play music all the time but it's usually dreadful stuff, save for the odd good tune. I think I've heard Morrissey come on about 2 or 3 times in the last few months so it doesn't come on very often, but it's always very welcome when it does!
I heard "Paris" last week while standing in-line in the Mens loo at the Ralphs in West Covina while waiting for one of Mr Propers Famous Free Handjobs.
I heard it in the Las Vegas airport in May. I had just arrived for a weekend of mayhem and the first thing I hear upon entering the terminal was Moz's voice.
I have heard it multiple times at multiple Kroger locations in Indiana. I always assumed that it is from their digital music (like XM)--and that there generally is an 'adult contemporary' channel that many places around the US use in their store.
"L.A. is not "GayTown" you must clearly be referring to West Hollywood, otherwise known as "BoyzTown". WeHo and "L.A." are worlds apart dear child....."

Dear Granny-
Thanks for correcting a young child like me. Its nice to have you 'Senoir' members around to set us whippersnappers straight.
I recently heard it in a supermarket (REAL) here in Berlin.
oh my how great i heard belle and sebastian and goldfrapp(it was utopia.. i still remember) and pulp in REAL but that was years ago
im sure it was a apprenticeship worker as normally they play muzak ...
but great...where in berlin exactly
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I heard it at the MGM Grand.. it was right after Let Me Kiss You and right before How Can Anybody Possibly Know How I Feel?
I heard "I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris" yesterday in Nutrition S'mart, a vegan, vegetarian, organic health food store. My face lit up with glee. I was humming it in the store and now in my heart.
I thought I heard it in my local A&P supermarket a few months ago, but couldn't hear it too well over the chatter of my kids. I thought I was just imagining it, but after reading these posts, I think it probably was. :)
I heard Paris as I was joining the gym the other week, all I could think was that it was definitely the gym for me!
I heard it at Texas chain restaurant Cotton Patch Cafe while eating a very politically incorrect juicy steak. I was pleasantly shocked to hear it on the radio.
I've never heard 'Shoplifters' in any shops, funny that.
Top marks to anyone who works in a shop and manages it, don't be getting the sack mind.
If you do get sack I'll be including a disclaimer on this post in very small type.

I did hear 'Paris' not long back blasting from a really rough pub in Leeds which made me chuckle, a few folk swaying along too.
Oh and in another TopShop - "You're the One for me, Fatty" - perhaps TopShop is the place to go in the UK for a Moz moment?
i read soemwhere that beth ditto was refused by top shop to make a collection for them cause they didnt want a collection for "big girls"
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