moz sex poll


survey says

ok, would you shag Moz if it meant that you and he would never go on a date or have a relationship and no one would find out about it because he would deny it and no one would believe you. would you still do it?
> ok, would you shag Moz if it meant that you and he would never¿ go on a date or have a relationship and no one would find out¿ about it because he would deny it and no one would believe you.¿ would you still do it?

No and I wouldn't shag him if we would go out on a date, have a relationship, everybody would find out,he wouldn't deny it and everyone would believe me.
Re: moz sex poll/wayward angel

> No and I wouldn't shag him if we would go out on a date, have a¿ relationship, everybody would find out,he wouldn't deny it and¿ everyone would believe me.

LOL :) Hey Amber/Angel remember me? So this is where you've been spending your time. Had I known I would have come over here a long time ago ;)
Re: moz sex poll/wayward angel

> LOL :) Hey Amber/Angel remember me? So this is where you've been¿ spending your time. Had I known I would have come over here a¿ long time ago ;)

Yes Johnny I remember you and your nefarious ways :)
Re: moz sex poll/wayward angel

> Yes Johnny I remember you and your nefarious ways :)

But only sweet ways for you angel ;) Can I ask why you stopped writing? I'd write if I thought you'd reply but I know how good you are at avoidance and I can't stand being avoided :)
green-eyed monster

uh oh, I hope Mr.So&So isn't reading these!
*Thunderous footsteps heard in the distance* Mr. So&So pauses to sniff the air.

Hmmm, what has my little angel been up to over here?

I thought you knew better than to waste your time in the dankness of another's arms.

It really is a shame my lovely flower, because just today I was thinking to myself, here I am a young virile man with two hands, and absolutely nowhere to place them.

I was hoping you could help me find them a home my loveliness.

The thing is Miss Angel, they have an insatiable desire to roam.

So therefore, they require a large stretch of flesh to fulfill themseslves on.

I'm here asking you to decide my little angel, you can languish in your present chill, or exist in the warm span of my firm grasp.

The choice is yours.

Oh, and I just remembered my lovely dove, I have two lonely lips looking for adventure also.

Two, ravaging, wanting lips, willing to go anywhere with you, and atop you as well.

I'll leave you something that my aid you in your decision.

*Mr. So&So presses Wayward Angel firmly up against the nearest wall, and slowly places his wanting lips onto hers, and swallows*

Something to ponder,
Mr. So&So
Mr. So & So come close I have something I want to tell you

Dear Mr. So & So,
What decision precious? You know there is nothing for me to ponder.

Why would I waste my time on another when I know it could never come close to the depth and the beauty of what we have constructed. Surely you know that you have captured my heart like no other.

I also want you to know that the only thing that has made this day bearable is knowing that come nighttime I will hear your sweet voice in my ear.

With love,
Your Angel
Re: Mr. So & So come close I have something I want to tell you

> Dear Mr. So & So,¿ What decision precious? You know there is nothing for me to¿ ponder.¿ Why would I waste my time on another when I know it could never¿ come close to the depth and the beauty of what we have¿ constructed. Surely you know that you have captured my heart¿ like no other.¿ I also want you to know that the only thing that has made this¿ day bearable is knowing that come nighttime I will hear your¿ sweet voice in my ear.¿ With love,¿ Your Angel

I guess I'm too late. :( Well, all I can say is Mr. So and So is a very lucky man. Still Angel won't you write? :)

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