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for everyone that knows where moz lives all i ask is that we keep the where abouts to a mum because we dont want the great one leaving
los angeles thanks
> for everyone that knows where moz lives all i ask is that we
> keep the where abouts to a mum because we dont want the great
> one leaving
> los angeles thanks

That should go without saying. I agree. Anybody that would post his address here should be taken out in the back and shot. After being tortured for days.

Anybody that hangs out constantly around his place, I hope they get hit by a car, linger in a coma for weeks then lose all their limbs and then survive-with a colostomy bag, of course.

Anybody that buys duplicate copies of all his releases, every colored vinyl version of records, tickets to the shows, etc will get the keys to the Kingdom.

> for everyone that knows where moz lives all i ask is that we
> keep the where abouts to a mum because we dont want the great
> one leaving
> los angeles thanks
Dear GOD, Man!


NO! YOU post your email address- I am sure someone will respond there to you. Or put up your street addy again and see what happens- some people just aren't paying attention the first time- as you apparently aren't when I say POST YOUR EMAIL! And if you won't then you lose out...although, if someone sends you his address after all that, then they are insane, as you are obviously the "Im not a stalker, but I want to drive by the house just once so I can see where he lives, not to bother him, just to see- and I swear I won't sit outside and drool, eventually turning into a regular sitter-outside-his-drive type of a person."

It doesn't help that you seem so desperate about it...there just is no LOGICAL reason for someone to POST the address on a FAN website devoted to the very man you want to see the house of. Don't you understand the ramifications of what you are asking someone to do?

If not, I will spell it out plainly: There are many people who would use his address to bombard him with letters, things they have wanted to send him for some time, pictures, undies, pieces of anatomy, etc. They would go in droves to sit outside his home; they would go to call his name, to walk naked outside and be arrested in their own good cause; they would freak out beyond his gate, cause the whole neighborhood to go to it understood what I am getting at?! NO ONE IS GOING TO POST THE ADDRESS HERE!!!

I really don't want to be rude or condescending, but this "may I please get his address; please give me the address; POST THE ADDRESS," attitude is asking for some blunt force talk...I hope you get it by now. And if not, well then, good luck, because no one in his right mind will post it- and those who aren't and actually have it are all in jail for stalking him.

Don't do it.

> NO! YOU post your email address- I am sure someone will respond
> there to you. Or put up your street addy again and see what
> happens- some people just aren't paying attention the first
> time- as you apparently aren't when I say POST YOUR EMAIL! And
> if you won't then you lose out...although, if someone sends you
> his address after all that, then they are insane, as you are
> obviously the "Im not a stalker, but I want to drive by the
> house just once so I can see where he lives, not to bother him,
> just to see- and I swear I won't sit outside and drool,
> eventually turning into a regular sitter-outside-his-drive type
> of a person."

> It doesn't help that you seem so desperate about it...there just
> is no LOGICAL reason for someone to POST the address on a FAN
> website devoted to the very man you want to see the house of.
> Don't you understand the ramifications of what you are asking
> someone to do?

> If not, I will spell it out plainly: There are many people who
> would use his address to bombard him with letters, things they
> have wanted to send him for some time, pictures, undies, pieces
> of anatomy, etc. They would go in droves to sit outside his
> home; they would go to call his name, to walk naked outside and
> be arrested in their own good cause; they would freak out beyond
> his gate, cause the whole neighborhood to go to it
> understood what I am getting at?! NO ONE IS GOING TO POST THE

> I really don't want to be rude or condescending, but this
> "may I please get his address; please give me the address;
> POST THE ADDRESS," attitude is asking for some blunt force
> talk...I hope you get it by now. And if not, well then, good
> luck, because no one in his right mind will post it- and those
> who aren't and actually have it are all in jail for stalking
> him.

> Ta!!

I agree with you, Folly. Your post was perfect. Btw, I think Jim was just simply trying to get a rise out of someone.

Only a really sad lowlife would post Moz's address, anyway. Don't even mention the city he lives in for chrissakes. And if people are hanging outside his place, I'd hope maybe he'd throw hot tea or soup on them. As a child I remember a neighbor throwing hot soup out the window down to us kids below. We didn't go back for seconds.

For the last time......He lives in Baker, right behind Bun Boy!!!!!
I was just fed up, is all...

> I agree with you, Folly. Your post was perfect. Btw, I think Jim
> was just simply trying to get a rise out of someone.

Well, from his earlier posts, he seemed sincerely interested and maybe someone would have fallen for it, but then this desperation has entered into the play...And, no, the city, state, address thing isn't my little give-away cup o' tea. I agree, even letting the city out there would be a problem. I am surprised, however, that with all the people who do take things to his house, or write him, or just walk up and down his street that one of them hasn't posted the addy here in their over-excitement of having it.

> And if
> people are hanging outside his place, I'd hope maybe he'd throw
> hot tea or soup on them. As a child I remember a neighbor
> throwing hot soup out the window down to us kids below. We
> didn't go back for seconds.

HOLY COW, you're kidding- OUCH!!! No, I have heard he is quick to have the police there for arrests when necessary. I believe he is much more of a humanitarian than to throw hot something on anything breathing...


i've always been a bit amazed at how fanatical morrissey fans are--i think it's a very unique fanbase in a lot of ways, in that there seems to be a phenomenal (dare i say cultish) interest in the man himself. i'm sure the lot of us would root through (or at least consider it) the remnants of his breakfast and weekly dustbin collection in some desparate hope of learning something about him.

i've never been what you might call a mega-fan. i started listening to the smiths when i was about 13 or so and liked what i heard. i moved into his solo-era when i was about 16 or so and liked what i heard. i do not have every misprinted copy of every sleeve of every version of every single that was ever produced in the history of his career. i don't even have all the solo-albums. i don't consider this to be a betrayal to him as a fan, because "i don't owe him anything" aside from the fee i hope he collects from my purchase of his poetry, and likewise he doesn't owe me anything aside from the production of this art in exchange for my fee. this said, i will probably always be interested in what he has to say as an individual because he is smart and witty, and both are lacking in celebs of all sorts these days.

i suspect there are a lot of reasons people are drawn into him: he is enigmatic to some degree, he is engaging, he is charismatic, he is dishy. but most importantly i think we'd all like to think he SAYS SOMETHING TO US ABOUT OUR LIVES. i guess his brand of unabashedly human music and his character make us think we have a kind of parallel with him. that's just it--he's complex, he's not simple...for someone who is idolised to such a huge degree i think this is pretty rare. the ones we love and admire from a distance are made to be simple creatures--petrarch's laura, sydney's stella--it's an age old thing...and in turn we're made out to be the introspective complex ones. not so with moz. this is applicable with all the dewy-eyed teen pop stars the kids are so ga-ga over these days as well. i guess press agents and the like have crafted celebrities and public figures to be this's just safer.

i'm not sure how strong a desire i have to meet the man anymore, and i think it's fairly delusional to think that he has any desire to meet me. i find bits and pieces of personal information about him intriguing, but aside from that i think i'm not sure i understand some fans' devotional habit towards him. there's nothing wrong with it, i just find it a little baffling even with my sketchy (and my new word..."bilgey") explanation of it taken into consideration. don't you think he does as well?

just some random thoughts.
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