Morrissey unhappy at Sanctuary(?)



There is an article in today's T2 section of The Times called "Moz, In His Own Write", which is a review of Mark Simpson's 'Saint Morrissey'

It is an extremely dull article about an extremely dull book.

What worries me is the penultimate paragraph which reads..

"We might even get a new record from him (Morrissey) soon, although rumours circulate that he is already suspicious of his recent deal with Sanctuary, now the backer of the Rough Trade label he was once identified with."

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised if we hear of Morrissey ending the deal very soon, and having to wait another 6 years in the vain hope of a new album. But I really hope these rumours are a bag of shite...
> "We might even get a new record from him (Morrissey) soon, although
> rumours circulate that he is already suspicious of his recent deal with
> Sanctuary, now the backer of the Rough Trade label he was once identified
> with."

yeah, i'll bet he was thinking, "what? they're letting a person like ME record an album? there must be a catch..."
Re: Patience, Patience

Oh, so far as we know he's just about recorded the LP and releasing it in the month before Christmas would seem a particularly stupid thing to do. It'll come in 2004 and we will all love it.

> There is an article in today's T2 section of The Times called "Moz,
> In His Own Write", which is a review of Mark Simpson's 'Saint
> Morrissey'

> It is an extremely dull article about an extremely dull book.

> What worries me is the penultimate paragraph which reads..

> "We might even get a new record from him (Morrissey) soon, although
> rumours circulate that he is already suspicious of his recent deal with
> Sanctuary, now the backer of the Rough Trade label he was once identified
> with."

> I suppose I shouldn't be surprised if we hear of Morrissey ending the deal
> very soon, and having to wait another 6 years in the vain hope of a new
> album. But I really hope these rumours are a bag of shite...
So rumours are circulating that Morrissey is unhappy... Hmmm, that's hardly news, is it?
Smug journalists who lie

What a crap article. And wrong. The Brookside spin off was called South, not Damon & Debby (and it was Tracy Corkhill who bumps into Moz, not D&D!). And to have a dig at Rogan for being 'tedious' and Goddard for being 'clumsy' is laughable when praising Simpson's pile of pretentious poo which is both tedious AND clumsy!
The link for this piece is -,,585-903662,00.html
Morrissey was an admirer of Sven Hassel ?

> The link for this piece is -


"“while everyone else was carrying copies of Nietszche very prominently, you’d see Morrissey at a bus stop somewhere looking hopeless and reading the supposed SS soldier, according to some Sven Hassel instead ”."
Re: Sanctuary Distributed Rough Trade BEFORE Morrissey Signed

Don't let these idle rumours wind you up--this is a rather tenous attempt at making waves. The last I'd heard, Geoff Travis was on amiable terms with Morrissey.

The album is going to HAPPEN and it will be fantastic. Morrissey is being very cagey and waiting to release it in early 2004, which will be exactly 20 years since "The Smiths" was released. He knows that critical re-examinations are going to put the Smiths and himself in the glossies again. Perfect time to release the album and reaffirm his importance in British pop music.


Re: Morrissey was an admirer of Sven Hassel ?

Nowt wrong with that,they were cracking books.Very amusing as well,given the subject matter.
Re: Morrissey was an admirer of Sven Hassel ?

> Nowt wrong with that,they were cracking books.Very amusing as well,given
> the subject matter.

No I didn't mean there was - but I just can't imagine Morrissey reading them, is all - from what I can remember weren't they mostly about his exploits with very large ladies in brothels ?
Re: Morrissey unhappy at Sanctuary(?) - No, Do NOT WORRY !

Don't worry about this - it's just a bunch of gossips as they say. Was Mark Simpson going around in circles, I wonder to myself now ?

Christmas is a bad time for record labels - the holiday festivities make the record buying public do strange things (don't they always I say in response) but it's very likely that Sanctuary would hold of any album until Jan/Feb to ensure things were right, that the label had all the artwork agreed and checked etc. etc.

Thankfully, in 2004, we will have something to look forward to !

Be Patient Anonymouse, Strawberry.
muy astute

> Don't let these idle rumours wind you up--this is a rather tenous attempt
> at making waves. The last I'd heard, Geoff Travis was on amiable terms
> with Morrissey.

> The album is going to HAPPEN and it will be fantastic. Morrissey is being
> very cagey and waiting to release it in early 2004, which will be exactly
> 20 years since "The Smiths" was released. He knows that critical
> re-examinations are going to put the Smiths and himself in the glossies
> again. Perfect time to release the album and reaffirm his importance in
> British pop music.

> Cheers,

> Jamie

Well said, as usual.

Are you a dad yet?

Keep yer toes warm...

Re: Sanctuary Distributed Rough Trade BEFORE Morrissey Signed

You seem to know a lot about these things, Jamie. Your surname's not O'Brien, is it?

> Don't let these idle rumours wind you up--this is a rather tenous attempt
> at making waves. The last I'd heard, Geoff Travis was on amiable terms
> with Morrissey.

> The album is going to HAPPEN and it will be fantastic. Morrissey is being
> very cagey and waiting to release it in early 2004, which will be exactly
> 20 years since "The Smiths" was released. He knows that critical
> re-examinations are going to put the Smiths and himself in the glossies
> again. Perfect time to release the album and reaffirm his importance in
> British pop music.

> Cheers,

> Jamie
Re: Sanctuary Distributed Rough Trade BEFORE Morrissey Signed

> You seem to know a lot about these things, Jamie. Your surname's not
> O'Brien, is it?

Sorry, Dirk, my surname is not O'Brien--the closest I come is having Irish blood in my ancestry. I wish I had his hair, though! I've only pieced things together with over-obsessive attention to Mozzer-related details.


Re: Sanctuary Distributed Rough Trade BEFORE Morrissey Signed

Oh well. Still, you are incredibly well informed Moz-wise, it must be said...

> Sorry, Dirk, my surname is not O'Brien--the closest I come is having Irish
> blood in my ancestry. I wish I had his hair, though! I've only pieced
> things together with over-obsessive attention to Mozzer-related details.

> Cheers,

> Jamie
Re: Sanctuary Distributed Rough Trade BEFORE Morrissey Signed

> Oh well. Still, you are incredibly well informed Moz-wise, it must be
> said...

yes...he must be mark simpson in disguise!
Re: Morrissey was an admirer of Sven Hassel ?

> No I didn't mean there was - but I just can't imagine Morrissey reading
> them, is all - from what I can remember weren't they mostly about his
> exploits with very large ladies in brothels ?
Brothels did form quite a large part of their lives when they were not fighting on theRussian front,or any other front come to think of it.They were all given a choice,either fight for the nazis or rot in prison or concentration camps.They hated the nazi party,and especially the ss,even though they were formed into an ss penal battalion.They killed many ss men,if they thought they could get away with it.They stole,lied and cheated their way through the second world war.They reformed a few years ago,and now go under the heading of New Labour.

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