Morrissey & The Smiths


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Are there any huge differences between what music Morrissey has made with the Smiths and throughout his own solo work? Or are the two quite similar?

When my friend hears me playing Morrissey songs, he always tells me that he can never distinguish Smiths from solo -- that they're identical. Obviously, I think there are some differences (Johnny) and that Morrissey has gotten more experimental in recent times. But when you hear a Morrissey song, does it remind you of the Smiths (or vice versa)? Or does it all just feel like one big career?
i could understand thinking some of the solo songs might sound smithsish, but i dont think it sounds like one long similar sounding career. like a lot of people prefer smiths over moz solo because of the music.
Are there any huge differences between what music Morrissey has made with the Smiths and throughout his own solo work? Or are the two quite similar?

When my friend hears me playing Morrissey songs, he always tells me that he can never distinguish Smiths from solo -- that they're identical. Obviously, I think there are some differences (Johnny) and that Morrissey has gotten more experimental in recent times. But when you hear a Morrissey song, does it remind you of the Smiths (or vice versa)? Or does it all just feel like one big career?

Moz's voice is so distinctive, that any casual listener will think Smiths and Solo is the same thing. But, the music and lyrics have changed over the years, Moz is a very different person today.
Are there any huge differences between what music Morrissey has made with the Smiths and throughout his own solo work? Or are the two quite similar?

When my friend hears me playing Morrissey songs, he always tells me that he can never distinguish Smiths from solo -- that they're identical. Obviously, I think there are some differences (Johnny) and that Morrissey has gotten more experimental in recent times. But when you hear a Morrissey song, does it remind you of the Smiths (or vice versa)? Or does it all just feel like one big career?

There's a chasm between the two. And, to be honest, that's a credit to both careers. The Smiths would never have written Speedway, nor would any of Morrissey's post-Smiths collaborators ever penned I Know It's Over. Some solo songs suit Smiths however (You're The One For Me...) and some Smiths would have been better suited to solo (You Just Haven't Earned...)
Great question! I definitely see a difference, but as mentioned earlier, his voice is so distinctive that the average listener (the person who just hears a song once in a while) won't hear the difference.
My friends always say that there is no difference between Moz-solo and The Smiths and that they are both filled with sinical, depressing people which just irritates me as it is just my mates failing to understand humour. However, I feel there is quite a difference certainly in terms of music and that The Smiths were almost to an extent split 50/50 between great lyrics and great tunes to accompany. In Moz-solo years I believe that the lyrics have changed quite considerably and are becoming much more experimental but with still keeping the same audacity of The Smiths and in terms of music it obviously cannot be the same without Johnny but I feel it is Morrissey trying to allow more emphasis on his lyrics and voice rather than the music. It seems to me that despite the conflicts The Smiths were a lot more comfortable and intimate than Morrissey's many solo line ups and this will no doubt have made it different to what we hear today. Finally I think that the music was written for the time. The Smiths wrote songs like Suffer Little Children, Hand In Glove and Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now because of the influence of their time. And vice versa Morrissey has written songs like Dear God, Please Help Me and Now My Heart Is Full due to the time when he was writing. That is my opinion on the matter :)
the big difference for me is that Morrissey's singing has gotten better as he's gotten older but the music isn't as complex in his solo career as it was with the Smiths
The Smiths were more immediately poppy overall. He's gone through the odd poppy stage in his solo career, notably with Arsenal and Quarry, but on the whole the music has been more challenging.
Two distinct stages of the same artist's career. I always hear the difference and I would expect others to as well, but I guess it's not surprising that some don't.
For some reason "Disappointed" reminds me a little bit of "How Soon is Now?" Just a little bit tho........​
For some reason "Disappointed" reminds me a little bit of "How Soon is Now?" Just a little bit tho........​

Well, they intentionally did that... didn't they? The little guitar riffs or whatever are lifted straight from HSIN. That cannot be accidental. So is Disappointed the morning after the Now in HSIN? Or is it the morning after, fifteen years later?
Lyrically there is a massive difference between 1985 and 1995, but then again there is also a difference between 1995 and 2005. I'm sure that in terms of thoughts and themes, morrissey would have moved on if the smiths had carried on, maybe more or less fierce.

Alot of it is to do with age and the fact that themes can only be repeated or dwelled on for so long before it bcomes boring for both the listener and lyracist.
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