Morrissey/Smiths Night in Chicago

  • Thread starter Tony Christopher
  • Start date

Tony Christopher

Morrissey/Smiths Night
Friday, November 23, 2001
9pm to 2am

UPSTAIRS at Delilah's
2771 North Lincoln Avenue
21 + $3 cover
> Morrissey/Smiths Night
> Friday, November 23, 2001
> 9pm to 2am

> UPSTAIRS at Delilah's
> 2771 North Lincoln Avenue
> 21 + $3 cover

For real? Shiza!!! I'm definetely going. By the way, can anyone tell me why is the Redhead such a Lynchian type place, even the scary piano player is spookie ookie?
Hey maybe I can tag along with you greasetea? we can take turns bangin all the mom's there? cool?
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