Manchester Apollo 23-5-09

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Practicing Troublemaker
Hi all,

Here are some videos from the 2nd night at Manchester Apollo. Girlfriend, Hidden, and Carol are full tracks, the rest are, well...

Hopefully some nice memories for those that were there. Nothing for the 22nd I'm afraid....was too busy trying to stay upright in the pit! lol

Band Intros, Manchester Apollo 23-5-09.MP4
HCAPKHIF (clip) & Girlfriend in a Coma, Manchester Apollo 23-5-09 .MP4
I Keep Mine Hidden, Manchester Apollo 23-5-09.MP4
Let Me Kiss You (clip).MP4
Seasick, Yet Still Docked (clip), Manchester Apollo 23-5-09.MP4
When I Last Soke to Carol, Manchester Apollo 23-5-09.MP4

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