LUDUS songs???????



hey any have the ludus songs The Fool and

Ludus Let Me Go Where My Pictures Go i cant find them anywere help please
I have one of them in mp3 format ("Let Me Go Where My Pictures Go"). I am uploading it, hold on.
If you happen to have lyrics to their songs, let me know.

> hey any have the ludus songs The Fool and

> Ludus Let Me Go Where My Pictures Go i cant find them anywere help please
> Here it goes.
> Enjoy.

Very very sweet of you thanks u
WHY DON'T YOU BUY THEM, like a decent person?

i am so sick of you jerks who won't BUY music, and swap it with each other out of sheer laziness and cheapness. ludus material is available, and you're just all lazy and cheap. if we were talking about unreleased rarities, or things out of print, it wouldn't be bad, but you're just cheap, lazy, creeps. especially when you're talking about an artist like dear ol' linder who doesn't make millions like madonna...

and then we have the people who post idiotic messages about how they can't find these things ANYWHERE, throwing in 7 questions marks like this fool, to emphasize how terribly tragic their predicament it. you all clearly know how to use the internet, so you have no excuse. ever heard of or or


> hey any have the ludus songs The Fool and

> Ludus Let Me Go Where My Pictures Go i cant find them anywere help please
Re: WHY DON'T YOU BUY THEM, like a decent person?

I'd never give him the full album.
If people want a mere sampling, I'm happy to oblige.

I paid well for my imports of Ludus material.
(actually I picked up the compilation "Damage" for 50 cents in the clearance stock!)
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