Los Angeles, CA - Greek Theatre (Nov. 12, 2022) post-show

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We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful / Our Frank / First Of The Gang To Die / Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before / Billy Budd / Sure Enough, The Telephone Rings / Jim Jim Falls / Rebels Without Applause / Girlfriend In A Coma / *Show ends due to unforeseen circumstances*

Setlist courtesy of: SYL via FWD.

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So where do I tell you not to speculate, also interesting you, didn’t include the full comment after bullshit, which was - Is that why he walked off? If so could you post a link to where you got the information from or is it more bullshit, like your posts about refunds.

I already answered that.

And the ‘full comment after bullshit’ was about the refund, which has nothing to do with me speculating as to why he walked off. That refund tweet was taken from this very thread (post #54) In my optimism, I thought it was real. I realized after I was wrong there, and said as much ( post #159). And deleted those posts so as not to add to any further confusion for people coming to the thread late.

Lol ….. 👇
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Funnily enough, I was at one of the Wembley nights of that tour and it has been on my mind since the walk off on Saturday night. Has he just decided he has had enough of everything and wants to disappear for a while? I hope he's ok. Something about it just doesn't feel good.
At least you got to enjoy it. I returned my Bowie ticket after NIN took over Morrissey's part for the rest of the european dates.
As always, the whole operation is in shambles. What other major artist does this? What other major artist’s career is handled in such an unprofessional manner? It would be kind of fun if he was in his 20s, but the man is 64 next year.

Yeah, I could imagine a thing like it being cold
and the LP delay at the back of his mind, and who knows what else combined, may have been the reason for him to walk off last night, last straw kind of thing.
Exactly. I imagine due to his small album sales, any recording company would want a cut of the touring revenue. Slim pickings if he can't be trusted to complete gigs.

Although I remember reading an interview with M when he said that he does not like to hear any bad news close to a gig start time. Maybe the album release delay was broken to him in the dressing room.

I'm definitely thinking along the same lines as you. I believe that is a distinct possibility, sadly.

I wonder if we will ever know the truth because I doubt if that was the reason that the official statement on the matter would actually tell us that because it's likely many fans would not see it as a reason to stop a show.

It's so difficult and uncomfortable watching this all unfold when you have such a deep admiration and love for him.
This would be an odd thing to post for a cancelled gig...


(Information from their FB & Twitter rather than fan-quoted).
This would be an odd thing to post for a cancelled gig...

View attachment 85869

(Information from their FB & Twitter rather than fan-quoted).

That is definitely promising. It has just gone 9am in California - there does need to be some form of statement soon on Moz Central about tonight's show. Anyone travelling to the event will want confirmation I would imagine.
This would be an odd thing to post for a cancelled gig...

View attachment 85869

(Information from their FB & Twitter rather than fan-quoted).

Ahh, a reliable source. Great! I don't think I will believe it until I see it, though. Because if he left his band wondering what was going on, who is to say that he hasn't left the venue in the dark about tonight.

Despite being in the UK, I'm going to stay up and do some work while awaiting the show. I wonder if he will say something about why he disappeared to tonight's crowd.
Ahh, a reliable source. Great! I don't think I will believe it until I see it, though. Because if he left his band wondering what was going on, who is to say that he hasn't left the venue in the dark about tonight.

Despite being in the UK, I'm going to stay up and do some work while awaiting the show. I wonder if he will say something about why he disappeared to tonight's crowd.
Would be hilarious if the whole crowd walked out, leaving Moz and the band staring at an empty venue, after 5 songs...just desserts n all that :lbf:
well if thats your attitude then you wont be missed,bit of a spoilt child attitude,do we even have an offical reason why the show was stopped and not people putting two and two together and getting five.
Don't be so silly, I'll be back singing his praises like I always do, I can't live without the man - well I could but I'd rather not. Shut you up and send me dick pics x
Greek debacle features in the Daily Mail. Comments section full of seething, nasty comments (mainly from peeps who don't know Moz at all), but if you sift through, there is some love from, what you might call, proper fans. He's not done himself any favours with this particular stunt.
Don't be so silly, I'll be back singing his praises like I always do, I can't live without the man - well I could but I'd rather not. Shut you up and send me dick pics x
on a wide angle lens.
Greek debacle features in the Daily Mail. Comments section full of seething, nasty comments (mainly from peeps who don't know Moz at all), but if you sift through, there is some love from, what you might call, proper fans. He's not done himself any favours with this particular stunt.

All social media platforms are having a "Punch the Moz" free for all. I have a feeling he thrives on this negative energy, that's why he does what he does. It's better than being ignored and irrelevant, I suppose.
Greek debacle features in the Daily Mail. Comments section full of seething, nasty comments (mainly from peeps who don't know Moz at all), but if you sift through, there is some love from, what you might call, proper fans. He's not done himself any favours with this particular stunt.
You don't have to 'know Moz at all' to just plainly see the way he/staff don't give info to his fans is disappointing. I get it people blindly love him. I love his music. But you have to sit back and look at this and realize there is absolutely no reason not to just announce within 30 minutes of the show at the Greek, that X happened and that you are truly sorry to fans and will try to make up the date ASAP.
The official FB statement the next day....many hours later...still gives no info to the fans AND doesn't even apologize again.
It would be SO SIMPLE to just state.. "Morrissey is truly sorry to his fans last night who came to see him. He really wanted to continue but due to the cold and its possible affects on his vocal chords he felt it was in his best interest to stop the show. He shares your disappointment and hopes to be back soon." This would mean so much to fans and require SO LITTLE from Morrissey/management.
And if the above isn't the reason he could of made the statement say what it was and 99.9% of fans would understand. He had a stomach virus...he passed a kidney stone...he felt the sound was off...he smelled the smoke from a nearby McDonalds. Any true problem and we'd understand. But saying nothing is always worse.
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