--Looks just like Morrissey! lucky Bastard...

  • Thread starter Your Affectionate Friend
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Your Affectionate Friend

I don't know his name but he is the director of that trite little movie starring Leo Dicaprio "The Beach", anyhow it's on HBO this month and there is a running commentary at the end while the credits role on the making of the movie and the director is British or English (is there a difference?) and he bears a striking resemblance to Mozz I reccomend you try and catch that part of the movie (the end that is...)

-Your Affectionate Friend
once again, yeah!!! and look for youself..

Danny Boyle..he did trainspotting, which I don't think I need to tell you is great. so anyways, I think now everyone realizes one of my secret passions..i think it also stems from enjoying the "body double" clips on Talk Soup (when it was a reputable, funny show. the new host irritates me...*shudder*)


anyways, do you see it? I found another one where he looked like a combination of Moz and Phil Collins....

British or English (is there a difference?)


Explain Please...

The difference is....
Re: Explain Please...

> The difference is....

Canadians are all North American, not all North Americans are Canadian
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